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Managing user accounts on remote drupal website? (Dev team all needs access)

My company makes lots of Drupal websites and the biggest annoyance I've seen is having to add each other as a user to each site whenever someone else wants to work on it. We all have the same email ...
jakecraige's user avatar
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How can i change RealName / User account link destination?

I'm using RealName module in D7 to show real names on nodes and in comments and would like to link the real name [user:first-name] [user:last-name] to a custom content type (a 'profile' page), instead ...
olisb's user avatar
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7 - Update a user with services

I'm using Drupal 7 and the services module and I'm trying to update a user profile using PHP & Curl. Do I always have to login before sending a "PUT/update" ? This is my code so far : <?php ...
MDDY's user avatar
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is it possible to add a permission to only one user , without creating role for him?

i'm trying to create drupal 7 module for online payment , it will be by roles , for exemple ( user1 can create 'Blog content type' just if he has the permission on that) so after the payment i want to ...
YassineEdouiri's user avatar
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get the permission must the user have to access to the 'Access denied ' page

i'm working on a drupal 7 online payment module , and i need to know if there is a Drupal 7 function that can track (each time and for all the users) if 'the logging online user' is requesting an '...
YassineEdouiri's user avatar
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User badges for Drupal 7 roles

I would like to have an image/phrase appear on profile pages according to the user's role. For instance, an editor will be identified as such, below their profile photo. Drupal 6 had a "badges" ...
Dorothy Parkour's user avatar
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Anonymous user having user relationships

I have come up with a peculiar problem. IO am using the User Relationships module for my Drupal 7 site. The issue is that i had given privileges to the anonymous user to view user profile. The ...
why's user avatar
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Omega - Debugging blocks only for specified role

Is it possible to see debugging blocks only for specified role? IDEA I made special role "theme developer" to see debugging blocks of Omega only for this role. When I check in *admin/appearance/...
SebaZ's user avatar
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Permit user roles to see node (not via view) based on a taxonomy

I have some content type with a term reference field (think a magazine site where news are linked to a category). I must block the node view for a user role, but I don't want to set this access for ...
ZioBudda's user avatar
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Birthdays migrate to Profile2

guys. I've this issue, i did migrate a user list from csv file with Migrate module to Profile2. I'd use one only value for the import with the format dd/mm/Y. All was fine, but at the end the ...
Donny Vasquez Ramos's user avatar
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How to restrict user access from all the paths except one?

Suppose you get users from an external service. In the case where the user is locked or has temporary password in the Service, I redirect the user to a change-password page in Drupal and assign to him ...
Pan Chrono's user avatar
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Author who is not a user - Does a module exist?

I am about to write a custom module to allow for non-user authors (called Authors for the rest of this question). Use Case is really the corporate website Person publishing content to the website ...
Duncanmoo's user avatar
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Views to create author information on the content page

While any user visits any content (node) on my site then that node should also have information about the author who created that node/content. For this i am creating a view as : View of type user. "...
why's user avatar
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How to deal with exploding node_access queries?

I'm working on a pretty complex workflow site, which has a number of interlocking levels of components (content types, really). To summarize and simplify a bit: Users can create Companies. Companies ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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Workflow assign user to handle node in given state

I am using Workflow module to implement moderation policy in one of my project. It is working fine. But I want is when a user changes workflow state of user, he must be able to select a given user ...
Kalpesh Patel's user avatar
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Autocomplete does not work on the server

I have a organization text field on the user profile. I wrote a module that uses dbpedia's lookup services to generate an autocomplete list on the field. The code works on my local instance using ...
Jayaram's user avatar
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drupal 6 jquery module additions

this is what the module has in it now for basic toggle of the login box. Drupal.logintoboggan_toggleboggan = function() { $("#toboggan-login-link").click( function () { $("#toboggan-...
PH83's user avatar
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I facing a problem when i want create two registration forums by using (profile2 & profile2 registration path) modules?

i want create two registration forums ,each forum in specific page , when i looking for solution in internet, i found it using profile2 & profile2 registration path modules. But when i working in ...
bebo's user avatar
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Let users download and set induvidual blog themes Drupal 7

I want to enable users customize their own blog appearance and theme the same way it is being done in multi-user blogging sites such as,,, etc. Users can set a ...
Yair Levy's user avatar
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Is it possible to find which user created an account?

I currently have a Drupal 7 site set up to allow users with the Doctor role to create users with the Patient role, via admin/people/create. Does Drupal store data about which user created a specific ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to share nodes among related users

I have two content types called School and College. Any user can create a new School Node or College Node. Suppose there are 4 users in a website. User A, User B, User C and User D. In these ...
simple user's user avatar
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Access negate page is negate to anonymous user

I have a site where only authenticated users can see the content. So I have set permission for this. Now I have a problem: I need to display a node for the access negate page. But in this moment, my ...
ZioBudda's user avatar
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How to merge more than one profile type within registration page?

So I am using profile2 module to create different types of user profiles for example personal information profile contact information profile team profile - team role member profile - member ...
Aboodred1's user avatar
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Can't hide fields in user registration form at new menu path

I have a menu path which rendered User Registration Form. The problem is I did hide fields like "Email", "password" and "status" by setting #access to FALSE. It is not working. When I have done the ...
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How to make field group (tabs) visible for anonymous users?

In D7 how to make field group (tabs) visible for anonymous users? I have installed and configured, I am able to view the tabs on add content page, but the tabs are not visible for anonymous users. ...
AnAnD's user avatar
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How to block users from editing a node of a content type? (D7)

This should be easy, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong: In my Drupal 7 site, I've defined a content type in the usual way. I want regular users to be able to create instances of that type, ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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Custom user profile displays

I have added some extra fields in User entity like address, twitter account e.t.c. The requirement is that each user should be able to choose whether his profile will be completely public to other ...
Argyro Kazaki's user avatar
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Implement Gravatar in Drupal 7 using php - how to connect mail addresses to “$email” variable

Gravatar has a description of its php implementation on the following page: I'm trying to use this code to implement it in Drupal's user profiles ...
take2's user avatar
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Can I give a role permission to configure one (and only one) block?

Right now, I see that the administrator role has a premission called administer block. I would like to offer that permission to another role, but only for a specific block, not all of them. Is this at ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Popup not displaying well

I am using the popup module ( to pop blocks. It works fine with the default core themes in Drupal 7, but when I use my own custom theme, the popup windows break up. I ...
Nana Akwasi's user avatar
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Let users manage certain field

I'd like to give a set of users the ability to manage certain fields, such as adding items to a list. Is this in any way possible with existing modules? Example: Editing a node Try to select XYZ for ...
MTeck's user avatar
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Weird node edit issue

Having spent 2 days coding my own content access module, I've managed to grant along with Organic Groups the intended set of permissions to my users. Thing is, that authenticated users who now have ...
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register with webform in uber cart drupal 7

Im trying to build a site with custom roles which are sold as memberships. I've created my uber cart install and tested it. The rules defined allow the User to be assigned to the desired role upon ...
James Kirkby's user avatar
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FB login button is not styled right

I have a FB login button in the User login block. The login button has been working perfectly for months, but last night it broke. The functionaly still works (you can login), but the button shows ...
Erno's user avatar
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Randomly italicized words appear in the admin UI

None big deal, but I noticed that various parts of admin UI (e.g. some of the field name headers, admin menu menu items) get randomly italicized by <em> tags inserted for unknown reason. Has ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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User Registration

I am using drupal 7.I have enabled email verification for new user registration.However the mail is not being sent for new user registration.The site is hosted on a webserver and not running on ...
jags's user avatar
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Drupal 7 change submit for _form_user_pass_alter()

I'd like to change the submission function for TEMPLATE_form_user_pass_alter() function TEMPLATE_form_user_pass_alter($form, &$form_state) { $form['#submit'][0] = 'new_user_pass_submit'; } ...
jdu's user avatar
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What is the $user array consists of for Drupal 7?

I couldn't find a good reference to what the $user object consists of. I know $user->uid provides to uid. What else?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Get user ID from CSRF token

Is there any way how can I programmatically get user ID from CSRF token? I'm using web service and need to update user data according to user token.
Radek Mezuláník's user avatar
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How to create a user and only allow him to add users?

I have my system user roles, in the first image below: I want my user level access to be like the second image. I am the administrator of the site, I want to create a user with a role MyID ...
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How to create a User search view?

I am trying to create User search view (using Views). But when I create the view, I am not able to see the search option in filter. What I am missing?
purab's user avatar
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Problem embedding user_register_form in custom template

I need to embed the user_register_form inside a template. In my module i do: .... $form=drupal_get_form("user_register_form"); unset($form["field_nickname"]); unset($form["locale"]); $output=theme("...
Cris's user avatar
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Current Password issue for New Register User

My registeraion is set to "Require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account" on Drupal 7. Any user who register will automatically receive a confirmation email with "One time login url". ...
CocoSkin's user avatar
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Make Exposed form view content only appears to logged in user

I have created a view and exposed that form. I want when user click on exposed form search button it should show register or login form if user is anonymous otherwise it should show result. After user ...
Amrita's user avatar
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Views is not linking images to content for anonymous users in Commerce Kickstart

I'm having this problem: I'm using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-1.19 (also tryed on 2.x) and I'm trying to create a simple view to replace my homepage with a list of products, set the relation to the ...
Krlos's user avatar
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Programmatically alter user permissions

The current state of the site, is configured such that authenticated members, can post specific content types and comment on everything. What was asked of me, was the restriction of users having ...
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What is the difference between panel and blog in Drupal?

I am trying to find content holder for my site home page and came across the concept of panels. But I didn't found anything for user permission in panels. Can anyone help me understanding the ...
SHINE's user avatar
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Custom template - How to find out whether a user has permission to access a content?

The case is as following: User A has access to content X and Y User A adds a reference field to link from content X to content Y User A is able to access content X and see the link to content Y and ...
sam's user avatar
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