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Have a child node inherit taxonomy from a parent during /node/add?

In Drupal 7, I have two content types: Parent Events with tags (like "outdoors" or "popular" or "suitable for kids"). "Tags" are taxonomy terms in a vocabulary,...
i-know-nothing's user avatar
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Multipart Form Fields - Taxonomy Included

I'm starting out a new project and I think I've come across something like it before but I can't think of the right search terms or something along those lines... What I'd like is a module to add ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Filter Taxonomy Widget Options by Entity Reference

I have two content types, Lesson Plan and Course. When creating a Lesson Plan, users select a Course (Entity Reference). Later, they choose course goals (Term Reference) that the Lesson Plan meets. I'...
cdc43339's user avatar
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Term page doesn't show nodes when terms are added in a field collection?

I'm using field collection in my content type Recipe. In my field collection, there is a term reference (ingredient) and a text field. When I create a Recipe, I add terms (ingredients) with the ...
Tourist's user avatar
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How to add a custom field to a taxonomy term

I am developing a module and I would like to know how to add a field to a taxonomy term? My section is named special and I want to add terms in this section I have this code: function add($form,&...
skycomputer2's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Is it acceptable to change the vid column of a term programmatically in the database?

I need to move some terms from one vocabulary to another by retaining all their data: translations, aliases, and node references. Is it acceptable to change its vid column value directly in the ...
Molfar's user avatar
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How to create a rule to combine the terms of 2 fields to create a new term stored it in a 3rd field?

I have a content type that has 3 term reference fields: Field A, required, is a term reference using a vocabulary with machine name vocabulary_a. Field B, required, is a term reference using a ...
LIUJIAHUI's user avatar
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How to create a rule to combine the terms of 2 fields to create a new term and store it in a 3rd field?

I have a content type that has 3 term reference fields: Field A (required), which contains a single tag. Field B (required), which contains a single tag. Field C (not required), which contains a ...
LIUJIAHUI's user avatar
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Is there any way to use comments for taxonomy pages?

I want to add a block like message board/chatbox in my taxonomy pages. Best and simple way to do it is comments. Is there any way to use comments for taxonomy pages?
sharktale's user avatar
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Require input for optional field select widget

(My own use case is about taxonomy term reference fields. But a more generic answer is welcome.) A taxonomy term reference field, single value, not required, with a select widget that shows all terms ...
donquixote's user avatar
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Updating a taxonomy term, with extra fields - taxonomy_term_update does not exist

In Drupal 7, I am trying to update and delete some taxonomy terms in the proper way. So, instead of attacking the database directly, I am using taxonomy_term_delete for deleting by tid. However I ...
Cesar's user avatar
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How to make method entity_uri work when $entity_type is taxonomy_vocabulary?

I have a table with entities of type content, taxonomy_vocabulary and terms. For content and terms, I can show a link to each detail page by using the method entity_uri. But for entities with type ...
dxvargas's user avatar
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Term reference field won't display

I'm trying to add tags to my blog posts on my Drupal 7 site. I've added the Term Reference field to the content type and when I add a blog post it is letting me add tags without a problem, however ...
Andy's user avatar
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How do I display a taxonomy term, without a link, in a node template?

In learning, I've created a custom content type called story and a custom taxonomy called story_category. In story I have a term reference for story_category. I can render a taxonomy term associated ...
ZCKVNS's user avatar
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Multilingual Taxonomy Views - Entity Translation

I am trying to create a multilingual taxonomy view using Entity translation. So far, I am stuck displaying an English view even when using a language code. I'm looking for the steps needed for this....
Baybook's user avatar
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How to reference existing term if it exists or create new one if not exist via Inline Entity Form module?

I have a content type book and it has a taxonomy term reference field: author. I want to enter name and surname separately for each author on node add/edit page. Name and surname together will be the ...
herci's user avatar
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How to create a name-surname structure for taxonomy terms?

I have a content type book and it has a taxonomy term reference field: author I want to enter name and surname separately for each author on node add/edit page. Name and surname together will be the ...
herci's user avatar
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How to query all fields of the node that is tagged with taxonomy term from a specific vocabulary

I'm struggling to find a way to retrieve all the node fields where a specific taxonomy is implemented. I was close to find something with this query : $query = db_query('SELECT fci.field_name ...
Ismail H's user avatar
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How to fire multiple Rules Actions in a single rule?

I have a real estate website using the drealty module. In the real estate RETS feed, there is a numeric field called "Area". That numeric value refers to a specific area... for example, "22" might be "...
hockey2112's user avatar
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Should I change multiple text fields values via MySQL or is there any other preferable way?

The site has a content type and this content type has two fields: Text Field Term Reference Field There are thousands of nodes on this content type and I want to change some values (find/replace). ...
herci's user avatar
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How do I create individual fields on a node?

I would like to use individual Taxonomy fields on a node - not a preconfigured Content Type. e.g. Color: Red Year: 2015 Project details: Short description. This is just working fine with the ...
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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in taxonomy_field_formatter_view()

My Drupal installation has some warnings, I tried several patches, but none of them works for me. These are the warning messages: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ...
hg96nl's user avatar
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Filling the field with certain criteria before save [closed]

I had a case like this. A Document content type with Taxonomy Term like this Title Category : CAT A CAT B CAT C Doc Number When user selects CAT A, then do some query to find last number of ...
just-d's user avatar
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Retrieve taxonomy terms with EntityFieldQuery for a given parent term

I am retrieving a tid of a taxonomy term by using EntityFieldQuery. However, I need to cross-link the taxonomy_term_hierarchy table to list those terms which have a particular parent, but I am not ...
Cesar's user avatar
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How to change a field type from free-form text to a taxonomy term and keep its existing data?

I need to change one of the fields of a type of a node from a free-form text to be a taxonomy term, but the data already has about 250,000 records. How can I change this field type without losing ...
Diana's user avatar
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How to assign 2 taxonomy vocabularies in a single field for a node? [closed]

I have a node. I want to manage fields of this node in the Admin, so I can have a field which is of type Term reference and which uses two or more taxonomy vocabularies. So I can make combinations of ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Taxonomy manage fields wrong field edit url

I have updated my project to the latest updates available using drush and suddenly found no field names and wrong field form url in admin/structure/taxonomy/%taxonomy_name/fields As in the picture,...
Mohammed Gomma's user avatar
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Require relationship and parent term in taxonomy - Drupal 7 [duplicate]

I have a taxonomy term with hierarchy (two levels, mother and children). When I set a relationship and say "Require relationship", all items dissapear which do not fit the relationship (Content having ...
Cesar's user avatar
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How to use values from a referencing node (parent) in a referenced node (child)

On a Drupal 7 site, we have two node types, one called "Collection" (parent node type) and one called "Fabric" (child node type). Collections and Fabrics are connected through an entityreference field....
brunodbo's user avatar
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taxonomy image as background image on node

I have taxonomy images attached to node that I would to make me background image. Previously I used the images uploaded to the node as a background image. This is the code I used to print out the ...
RRR's user avatar
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5 answers

What are the advantages or disadvantages of using reference based modules instead of taxonomy module?

I wonder how to decide either to use core Taxonomy module or Entity Reference module? I didn't use Entity Reference module before but I've used the taxonomy module (and some related modules) on 10-15 ...
herci's user avatar
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Taxonomy terms with conditional field

50 terms and each term needs to have radiobuttons or "other". Food - o in price - o extra price Drinks - o in price - o extra price WiFi - o in price - o extra price So "in price" and "extra price"...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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How to save a new term with multiple fields while adding content?

Not only do I want to add terms as I create content through the UI, but I want to add terms that have multiple fields (i.e. more fields on the taxonomy besides the 'Name' that populates the list). How ...
digitgopher's user avatar
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How to select an address field city from dropdown list?

I am using Address field module to populate address. A requirement needs to limit cities to a particular set, and also countries to particular set too. so I would like to present a set of cities in ...
Raj Pawan Gumdal's user avatar
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Dynamically populate one select based on another

I'm new to Drupal and well aware this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find a situation similar to mine, or maybe I didn't understand it. I have three content types: Team with fields ...
chaitali231's user avatar
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How to set HTML value for taxonomy description field using entity_metadata_wrapper

I've set my taxonomy description field to taking a filtered text value. Using the UI, I can edit a taxonomy term, write some HTML, save, and when I view it I see the HTML rendered by my browser. ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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Get all entities tagged with term

taxonomy_select_nodes returns all the nodes tagged with a given tid. This function checks the taxonomy_index table. That table stores the tid and the nids on which it is tagged. Let's say I have ...
Robin's user avatar
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How to load a taxonomy term (or entity) by field value?

To load a taxonomy term programatically you can use EntityFieldQuery. <?php // Get taxonomy term by field value $section_vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('section'); if($...
Miguelos's user avatar
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Structure for a list of links

What I’m looking to do: Content type has an field (addable; unlimited entries to this field) In that field you select from a list of (mostly external) links. Each link is a sentence - has a title and ...
digitgopher's user avatar
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How to display specific nodes in an EVA based on common taxonomy

I am trying to display nodes in an EVA, attached to a node type that shares taxonomy. The EVA passes the node ID to the EVA, so I have a contextual filter, but am having trouble figuring out how to ...
vintorg's user avatar
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How to translate custom fields in taxonomy terms?

I would like to have custom fields with translatable content in taxonomy terms. Is this possible with existing modules? I know that this is possible if I use nodes instead of taxonomy terms: I can ...
user1460043's user avatar
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Entity Reference - adding fields to reference?

I'm using taxonomy and nodes to create a tree structure. Inside the taxonomy term I created an Entity Reference (referencing to nodes). I know this looks like the world upside-down, but for this time ...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
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Drupal architecture best practices

I have several custom entities, about 8. Each contains information about a given subset of data. Currently, this is being created by filling 8 different tables with data from an API and exposing it ...
Jack Ryan's user avatar
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How to display taxonomy term reference field as a rendered entity?

I have taxonomy term reference field which are displayed as checkbox. Each taxonomy term has two fields 1. description and other 2. price I want the description and price field to be displayed ...
harshal's user avatar
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Copy values from taxonomy term field to new text field in content-type

I have a content-type with a certain taxonomy term field that allows multiple values. I don't need this field to be a taxonomy term field anymore, but just a simple text field. So, I want to "...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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Taxonomy autocomplete widget with term depth settings [closed]

Is there a module (or custom code) to implement a widget for taxonomy autocomplete (>=1k terms) having term depth settings? Settings could be like to control term level variable depth, rules and ...
pinueve's user avatar
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Change taxonomy term field into text field in content-type

Is there a way to transform a taxonomy term field into a simple text field? I need to keep all the terms present in the taxonomy field and have them separated by a comma.
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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d7, large Taxonomy, entity reference, php error

when I like to add a content type "add/CCC" I get an PHP Error "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 125MB". CCC includes an Entity Reference to Content Type AAA. AAA is large (10.000 Elements, ...
mr4711's user avatar
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Get taxonomy term field value?

I have some taxonomy terms that have an image field in them. I am trying to get the value of the image field in my templates. How can I do this? The field's name is field_header_image. I have this so ...
Dustin's user avatar
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display a taxonomy as an image

Hi Im using taxonomies for categorize my products with drupal commerce, Im using "Brand" vocabulary for the products I want to display a thumbnail of the brand instead of the name of the brand in text,...
svelandiag's user avatar