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4 votes

How to notify users when a new comment is posted in the same page as they did?

Have a look at this rule (in Rules export format), which does what you're asking for: { "rules_notify_commentors_about_new_comment" : { "LABEL" : "Notify commentors about new comment", "...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
4 votes

How to send an email notification reminder based on a user's date of entry field?

Use the Rules module together with Rules Scheduler (a sub-module of it), as explained in the steps below. These steps are based on a date field which is added to the user profile, so that for each ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
3 votes

How to send an email notification reminder based on a user's date of entry field?

You can achieve your goal using both Rules and Scheduler module. Check Using rules to send an email x days after a user registers. If you are looking for custom coding, you can implement hook_cron, ...
DRUPWAY's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create missing rules event when user flags a statuses updates?

Umair, have you looked at the patches in and and maybe some others ? I got flag 3 working with the status + rules, but not the comments. It could be ...
Niall Murphy's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create missing rules event when user flags a statuses updates?

Preface - start This answer assumes you're using the current version of Flag, i.e. 7.x.-3.x. Though a comment below this answer states: Statuses is not compatible with flag 3. It works with flag 2. ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
2 votes

How to create a User Feed using the modules Message and Flag?

If you'd add the Rules module (on top of the Message and Flag module you're already using), you can get this to work by using the "Replacement tokens" as part of your "Message type" configuration. If ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
2 votes

How to re-create a notifications 'inbox' similar to the one here at stackexchange?

You could use the Menu Badges module for such notifications, which you can add to any menu item and/or menu tab of your choice. In your case something like "New comments" seems like one, out of a few, ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
2 votes

How to send new content notifications based on taxonomy selection in user profiles?

You may want to give it a try to process the results of a VBO enabled view via Rules, as detailed below. Step 1 - make it work for a single (1st) term Remark: this is an intermediate step to prepare ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
2 votes

How to notify users when a new comment is posted in the same page as they did?

You can achieve what you want with Flag and Rules. To notify users, you can use the Message module. Here is a possible outline to make things work: Create a node Flag Follow. Create a Message type ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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2 votes

What is a good flexible way to send auto system emails to users?

I think the most easy and user friendly way for you is to use Rules module. EXAMPLE: Create new rule Add action Follow next steps to set your mail.
Andrew Nim's user avatar
2 votes

What is a good way to send out email notifications on creation of a new entity?

If you want to code it yourself, here's a simple example for emailing a notification every time a Comment entity is posted (taken from an actual site with minor cleanup, but I might have broken ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
2 votes

Allow guests to subscribe to specific taxonomy terms and send them weekly updates/notifications

Try to use This can be integrated with Views and Rules.
Hunde Tekle's user avatar
2 votes

Programmatically using values from a loaded entity inside a message

As Clive also mentioned use double quotes instead of single quotes to allow the variables to get replaced inside the string 'body' => "Hello $nodeowner this is your body message" if $values["...
GiorgosK's user avatar
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1 vote

Notify a user if a node has a comment or status updated

I recently did something similar, for reacting when the node is updated i used hook_node_presave(). Here's an example on how to send an email when the node is updated and the status is changed from "...
Emily's user avatar
  • 66
1 vote

Cannot get subscriptions to send out at correct intervals

Setting cron to run every 3 hours does not necessarily mean that cron will actually run every 3 hours. This is because it is not truly automatic. Something needs to trigger cron to run. This ...
No Sssweat's user avatar
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1 vote

How to include order details in eMail notifications created with the Message module?

You just goto http://localhost/project/admin/commerce/config/checkout/rules/manage/commerce_checkout_order_email/edit/3 then as screenshot into the message value you can set your custom message ...
AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd's user avatar
1 vote

Notification of new comments for author and comment writers

Have a look at this rule (in Rules export format), which does what you're asking for: { "rules_notify_users_about_new_comment" : { "LABEL" : "Notify users about new comment", "PLUGIN" : "...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

How do I use message stack (or other) to send new blog post (nodes) to "email-only subscribers" like Wordpress?

There are three modules that support this type of subscription and notification workflow without requiring subscribers to actually be registered users on the Drupal site: Simple Subscription https://...
Anson W Han's user avatar
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1 vote

User Notifications

I know you mentioned that you can't use Rules, but I think you can. In your condition, just add your file field and set it to "Data value is empty" and negate it.
Nigel Waters's user avatar
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Is there a way to add a timestamp to messages print from drupal_set_message()?

The problem is that at the point where these hooks are being used you have SESSION and FORM available and what you're asking for is a NODE attribute. This can be done, simply loading the given NODE ...
Adam John's user avatar
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1 vote

What may cause my custom VBO action to no longer update my Menu Badges counter?

"... it suddenly it stopped working" are about the toughest support calls to be resolved. I bet something did change somehow/somewhere (intentionally or not doesn't matter), so give it a try to narrow ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

How to implement Facebook style Notifications for Organic Group posts?

FAB, this answer won't be finished for a while but it should let you get closer to FB functionality when it's done when added to Pierre's answer. Pierre, I'll assume you're comfortable with Rules ...
Niall Murphy's user avatar
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1 vote

How to implement Facebook style Notifications for Organic Group posts?

Below is a blueprint of how you can make this work. To avoid writing a manual as an answer, and to avoid repeating myself, I use some links to other answers (not all of them are mine ...). Step 1: ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

What is a good flexible way to send auto system emails to users?

Only using Rules may not be sufficient The Rules module, as suggested in the previous answer, is indeed capable to perform these Rules Actions: Send Mail. Send mail to all users of a role. However, ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

How to add missing data selector in "Create new entity" rules action?

Looks like you're starting to hit the limits of the most recent (beta2) release of the Statuses module. Have a look at this variation of a custom rule, which is included in Comment nr 13 of issue nr ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

How to put up a notification about scheduled maintenance?

Reduce the risk of "modulitis" As an alternative to the Scheduled Maintenance module, suggested in the previous answer, you can also use the Rules module for this. Instead of installing yet another ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

How to put up a notification about scheduled maintenance?

Drupal Core has in built option to put site on maintenance but out of the box it does not have option to show maintenance message prior to scheduled date. In order to do that you can Scheduled ...
arpitr's user avatar
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I get notification for TB Sirate Starter update despite that I use new fresh drupal installation

Despite not using the distribution any more I keep getting the message to update TB Sirate Starter ==================================== I had this issue before and yes, I took notes. In my case it ...
alar's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use Message Subscribe module?

The Message Subscribe module is part of the Message Stack, which consists of these modules (quotes are from the module's project page): Message: The Message module is the core of the message stack. ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

Unsubscribing from mailing list for anonymous user in simplenews

Create a block that augments the standard subscription block with a link to the unsubscribe user. The content of the block is just <p><a href="/newsletter/subscriptions">Unsubscribe</a&...
Interlated's user avatar
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