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4 votes

Check access to entity for logged in user in Drupal 8

I have tested the entity access and $entity->access('view', $account); that worked in my case. I earlier used the optional $account parameter so that it could check the currently logged in user. I ...
Nitin Shirole's user avatar
3 votes

How to flip order of Privatemsg thread from ASC to DESC?

Any other ways I can get it to work, outside of hacking the module? There is no way to alter a module from another php file / module unless it provides a hook, luckily here they did. I must be blind,...
No Sssweat's user avatar
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3 votes

Drupal private messages database table design

In general with Drupal you want to avoid directly querying the database if you didn't create the tables yourself. Instead try to use functions provided by core or the module to get the data for you. ...
acrosman's user avatar
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2 votes

Check access to entity for logged in user in Drupal 8

You can check annotations of those entities and find access handler. e.g. /** * Defines the Private Message Thread entity. * * @ContentEntityType( * id = "private_message_thread", * label =...
Alex Kuzava's user avatar
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1 vote

Link to send message is not displayed

DrupalGap's implementation of Private Message has not evolved enough to take into consideration any Private Message configuration set on a DrupalGap Manage Display page for User Entities. That being ...
tyler.frankenstein's user avatar
1 vote

Howto override a function in privatemsg.module?

The _privatemsg_format_participants() function is called from template_preprocess_privatemsg_recipients() function, which is a template preprocess hook. You can simply override ...
Yogesh's user avatar
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