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How to add multiple products to cart at the same time with attributes

I have different view blocks that display multiple products on the same page, each product has their own attributes such as product bundle and custom line item, these serves as an option set / ...
Danz's user avatar
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2 answers

Drupal node "ranking" based on views sorting

I am creating a site where there are nodes (which are "causes") that users can donate to (i.e. buying a donation product using Drupal Commerce, which is sort of irrelevant, but just for the record). ...
Rewdy's user avatar
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Alter view data return?

I am wondering if there is a way to do the following. I need to alter view return data and either remove entries or keep entires based upon running some PHP. Is there any easy way to do that? I was ...
Steven's user avatar
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How to delete the row item from a view table after purchase is done?

What I desire to achieve: I have a view where users can consult their payments inserting their ID. These payments will be displayed on a table, this table has a column with a "payment button". This ...
Geek's user avatar
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Get the most recently viewed product variations (commerce product entity) in a View

Pre-requisite knowledge: I have a view of type Content which is meant to list the most recently viewed product variations (commerce product entities that the product node references) first. I am using ...
user3919682's user avatar
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First display promotions in a view

I use the "discount" module, I created a view to display my products but I can not find how to display the products on sale first in my view
user avatar
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New VBO bulk operation button not get translated

VBO button not translated issue. I have created a new VBO bulk operation using rules component. This is the button: In Rules I have written the translation for this rule, in the translate tab of ...
bunset's user avatar
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Count quantity of specific product in views

I'm using Views and Views Data Export to create a downloadable CSV of store orders logged in Commerce. I want to create a column that counts the quantity for a specific commerce product (defined by ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
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One click upload setting not able to save

I want upload file enable to upload image from my system for that i have installed ONE CLICK UPLOAD plugin for drupal and using Ck editor. now i have to change preference setting for upload button but ...
Krunal Hingu's user avatar
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drupal 7 'views'. Use the context filter to path 'directory /% /%'

Site Drupal 7 Commerce. path pattern catalog category - 'category / [term: name] / [term: tid]' To display the product catalog categories set view 'catalog_view' with parameters: Page settings: path:...
svaroha's user avatar
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Why doesn't $query->hasTag() work with this view?

Below I have a View. I have the following hook. I'm hoping to modify the WHERE clause of the view, but the following code seems not to be called. function jch_utilities_query_alter(...
jchwebdev's user avatar
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Why my query string generates page not found for my view?

In Drupal 7 I'm using a view export to download information for my orders. If i go to the default url /admin/commerce/orders then the page downloads correctly. However, I also have some filters so I ...
LeeUDO's user avatar
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commerce_display_path is relative and doesn't work from Order page

I'm trying to create a link from the Order view back to the product page so a customer can order it again. I've added a field to the view to load commerce_display_path (and set it as hidden) then ...
Craig's user avatar
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Fetch customer profile in a component rule

I'm working on a multi-lingual webshop and I'm trying to create a system for commerce where an admin can accept or reject orders. I've done this by creating a view that lists all pending orders and ...
user9395's user avatar
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Commerce + Views: Distinct on Referenced Product not working

I have a Product Display node view which ignores distinct on the query. The goal is to avoid displaying multiple product displays which refer to same Product SKU. I created a relation with the ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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How do I create a view of all user accounts who have zero orders?

I would like to create a view of all users and their total Commerce orders particularly including all those who have no orders so that they can be filtered for. I found a related question that solves ...
lolcode's user avatar
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Filter product displays by parent taxonomy term

I'm running a music store and have a taxonomy term field on products that that is used for the product's format. We tag the products from the following vocabulary. Vinyl 140g vinyl 180g vinyl CD ...
Kristoffer Rom's user avatar
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Multiple shopping cart view in cart page

I want to show shopping cart view in different style on mobile view . how can I clone shopping cart view to show it on another format like unformatted list or what is your approach to show this views ...
soheil's user avatar
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Drupal Commerce - Sort products in view priced lowest to highest

This seems like it should be super simple. I'm trying to sort my products by price (from lowest to highest) in my view, and no matter what I do, nothing seems to work. See below the setup of my ...
Brittany's user avatar
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How to display Commerce Order Owner role in Views fields?

Using Drupal 7.58 and Views 3.18 I am simply trying to display Commerce Order Owner role on a View. Using the Commerce Order:Owner relationship, I have access to a large set of user fields and ...
Toki's user avatar
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One exposed filter with different values in one view

I've searched a lot for this one with no luck. My problem is the following: I have an exposed filter of brands (adidas, nike, etc). It is displayed as a block on the home page. while entering the ...
ram_griever's user avatar
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Display the weight of an order on the cart

I created a view that displays the weight of each product in my cart. I multiply field quantity by field price unit. I want to display the total weight of my cart. How do you do this without going ...
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Quantity change after page change in Views with ajax

I'm showing products using Views and there is Ajax enabled, so I have ajax pager. Add to cart form with quantity is added in View as Product Reference field. Everything is ok until I change page, ...
mixerowsky's user avatar
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Use contextual filter global null to pass values to override field result

I come again with new question about Drupal Views and i hope you can help and explain me how to achieve this, I made a page view to display all my content (this works fine) with the following path: /...
Kevin Ramirez Zavalza's user avatar
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Change node display for purchased products

I am using Drupal 7 and Drupal Commerce, and i want to change the appearance of product display node when a user bought the product which he references. For example : 1/ Product display before ...
Frouite's user avatar
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2 answers

is there a way to know witch module is responsible to programmatically alter a view's query?

I have a view that diplays some orders with a filter by current user if he is owner of the order or not .. If the current user is admin, i can see my orders with no problems. If im logged in with ...
Boussetta moez's user avatar
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Display the 'commerce_user_orders' view in node

I'd like to display the table on the Orders page made by Drupal Commerce on another node along with other content. I believe this table is the commerce_user_orders view so I have tried using the ...
Andy's user avatar
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Cannot access commerce order relationship in Add relationship form in Drupal 7 Views

I have Drupal commerce installed on a Drupal 7 website. I needed to create a view of users and wanted to display the product type they had purchased along with the user name in the View. However I am ...
Binny's user avatar
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Views get node which created entity?

I am using commerce, which has products as entities. I have each product as a main node (which has title, URL, body, and other basic stuff) then I have a field which references products (price, SKU, ...
Steven's user avatar
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Link product variations to its own pages (e.g. blue hat to blue hat variation, etc.)

I have a product display of two t-shirts variations, one is blue color and one is black. I also use it in Views Slideshow, to show it in front page. The problem is that both variations link to the ...
Optimus Prime's user avatar
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Integrate custom content type with drupal commerce custom product, how?

What should / can I do if I want that: The names of my custom content type in a select box as values of that select box in my drupal commerce custom product If any of the value is selected from there ...
Rishi Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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Views block content hidden from visitor

I have created a view in a regular Drupal installation with the commerce modules requiered to run a web shop, so far everything is running smooth. I then create a couple of blocks to present the ...
Emil Orol's user avatar
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Repeat view entry for each value of multivalue field

I am using commerce module in D7. Each order can have a single line item, but you can have whatever quantity you like in that line item. For each item of this quantity I store a text value that is ...
masimplo's user avatar
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Views is not linking images to content for anonymous users in Commerce Kickstart

I'm having this problem: I'm using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-1.19 (also tryed on 2.x) and I'm trying to create a simple view to replace my homepage with a list of products, set the relation to the ...
Krlos's user avatar
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