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17 votes
3 answers

Views exposed filter to search multiple fields [duplicate]

To my knowledge there hasn't been an option in drupal 7 to create a single exposed filter in a view which searches multiple fields, while in previous versions there existed modules to do just that. ...
J V's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to Bulk delete the document from solr without actually deleting the node?

The scenario is to delete bulk documents from apache solr, without deleting the actual node from the database. I am aware that when the node is un-published it will be deleted from solr. But as my ...
Dinesh Kumar Sarangapani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Advance search between two content types that are linked by entity reference fields

I have "linked" 2 content types (Type A and Type B) by a field using the entity reference module. They are "linked" by the other node's ID number. For example, the entity reference field would have ...
user785179's user avatar
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Taxonomy search block - Search for e.g. "mac" -> Go to URL /tags/mac

I just want a simple "search" block for the tags taxonomy. It should work like I wrote in the title: If you search for the tag "x", it should automatically go to the URL /tags/x. I'm aware that it ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

i18n and Drupal Search issue [duplicate]

As it stands I am currently developing a multilingual website using Drupal 7 and the i18n module. The problem When i do a search using drupals built in search form it is returning content for all ...
itsphilz's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How do I exclude a bunch of nodes from being indexed by Solr?

I want to remove unused nodes from indexing in solr and also I need to make sure that they are not indexed again. I will fetch the list of the unused node IDs using a query. If any of the nodes is ...
Mathankumar's user avatar
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5 answers

Show search results in block [closed]

When you click on a search result, you navigate to that node or user. I would like to show the search results in a block when a user navigates to one of the search results, so the other results are ...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Search results: order & group by custom field

I customized the display of my search results so I can show custom fields in the search results (other question). I have a custom field ('Department'). I want to show the search results grouped and ...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Search results - Show custom fields

Is it possible to change the output created with the Search module? I want to show custom fields, and I want to hide the description, user and date...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Drop-down pager for search results? [closed]

How do I go about adding a drop down to alter the amount of search results at search-results.tpl.php that will change pagination? I would prefer not to use Views because I have completed a lot of ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Make search block appear for anonymous user

I have defined a region in my theme in which I've placed the search box. But, it only appears when a user is logged in. I checked to see the visibility and made sure the block is also visible to ...
AjitS's user avatar
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1 answer

Set default value of Search form block to be searched terms

So I have the Search form block in my template, but after performing a search it doesn't show the query in the form field. How do I set the default value on search results to be the query? i.e if I ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Update no results search text

I want to change the default search help text 'Check if your spelling is correct. Remove quotes...' that is displayed when there are no results. What's the best method of practice for this? Should I ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

searching custom node type contents from a module

If I create my own custom node type by writing my own module(s), is Drupal "smart" enough to index the contents of this new node type from my module? If not, then would I need to use the Search API's ...
user785179's user avatar
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Taxonomy Term Path to Search

Running Drupal 7: Problem: I have a vocabulary that contains a list of faculty, within each faculty member term page is a list of research interests (a separate vocabulary) that are clickable. ...
Weston Dunn's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Search API with Panels in Drupal 7

I want to create a search that is able to index panels. The content in my Drupal system is mainly located in Panels (which contain Blocks with the content). I installed Search API along with Fuzzy ...
Alp's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Implementing Taxonomy hierarchy in View and Search

I am working on a biology website that needs to make use of Drupal 7's Taxonomy system, for a biological taxonomy. My goal is to allow users to tag all content with related species information, and ...
Paul S.'s user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Remove output of author username and blog link of news snippets from search results

I currently have this in template.php to remove the 'username's blog' link from blog entries. function phptemplate_links($links, $attributes = array()) { unset($links['blog_usernames_blog']); ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Greater control of search results using $snippet

In *node--content_type.tpl.php* I can do the following: hide($content['body']); print render($content); Can I draw and hide field elements from a node's content in a similar way from $snippet; on ...
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Remove a content type from search results

How do I go about removing a content type such as webforms from the site search results?
Scott Lawrence's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache solr views, Drupal 7

I am using D7, views 3, apache solr views modules. I have created a view with 2 contextual filters for apache solr. I want to view the solr query built using my contextual filters. But the view ...
Suriyamoorthy Baskaran's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to remove core search index?

I' switching core search to SOLR. The core search module still needs to be enabled for SOLR to work. How to I remove the (rather large) core search index? The "search settings / clear index" option ...
uwe's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to build my own view for apache solr module

After successful integration of apache solr module in drupal 7 and displaying the result Ii found that it is using the view files (search-results.tpl.php & search-result.tpl.php) from the core ...
oldrock's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is search cron so slow?

Search cron on my sites takes about 2-3 minutes, no matter how frequent I run it. I was under the impression only new nodes added since the last run get added to the index. Apparently it's working ...
uwe's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

How to get taxonomy synonyms working robustly with Search API?

Tag synonyms are a popular, important feature in many sites (used here on StackExchange, for example), and taxonomy synonyms used to be part of Drupal 6's core Taxonomy module, before being dropped in ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Search additional user fields?

When using the search form, by default Drupal searches Content nodes, and there's a toggle to search Users (search/node vs. search/user). But the search/user appears to only search the default fields ...
MidnightLightning's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I add custom CSS to individual pages?

Im trying to create pages with a search bar in a specific non block area in Drupal 7. If I edit using Live CSS (or another module), it edits all my pages, and offsets the content I created. I need a ...
aaronStarK's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Facet API : How to change some behaviors like having input radio instead of checkbox

I need to change some default behavior from the facet API. I am searching for documentation about the hook from the Facet API module, but I have not found anything for now, except a very good ...
Epok's user avatar
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1 answer

Selecting the taxonomy terms to use using a textfield to search them

My Drupal 7 site has almost thousand of taxonomy terms. So it is a hard work for my users to pick their desired category from thousand of taxonomy terms. Is there any way to select a taxonomy term by ...
rakibtg's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to populate search form with search term in View / Panels / Page?

I've using Views and Page Manager to create a custom search results page. You can see it here: The page is being generated by Page Manager. I've got a Search ...
Kenny Wyland's user avatar
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1 answer

Core Search Module in Drupal 7.14 and Hidden Fields

In one of my content types I have a text field for extra zip codes served by clients that I have set to "hidden". My core search module does not seem to be indexing hidden fields. What's the deal?
Patrick's user avatar
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2 answers

how to pass variables from one module to another module?

I wanted to use apachesolr module along with a field module that is custom written. The field module gives the input to 'apachesolr' module instead of the normal search bar. The output is passed ...
kich's user avatar
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2 answers

Current search block: edit (-) link

I'm using search api and solr, with facet api. If I display a "current search block", if I click on a facet the system add to the block a "(-) facet name", and if I click to "(-)" it removes the facet ...
arrubiu's user avatar
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1 answer

Search user's all fileds in drupal 7

I want to make a text fields that will make user able to search all the fields. I have tried few modules but nothing is working for me the way i want.
Pramod Kumar Sharma's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do I search partial words?

I'm working on a site with the Search API Solr module. I notice that, in fulltext searches, the system gives results only for entire word. If I've a title like "Beautiful", if I search "eautiful" it ...
arrubiu's user avatar
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Core search, use wildcards by default

I've been trying to Google my way out of this one but I can't seem to find a solid solution for using wildcards by default for the core search module. Only things I can find are patches which aren't ...
Ambidex's user avatar
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1 answer

How to allow user to use one exposed filter and select between two views

I am using the search_api module with views as the back-end. Users will have the ability to search through two different kinds of content, and there will be two separate views (one for each content ...
ldweeks's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

List all available items with Apache Solr if the search keyword is empty

I have created 2 search pages with Apache Solr module one with content type filter and another for search in taxonomy terms. By default if the keyword string is empty the search pages don't return any ...
ijujym's user avatar
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Add custom fields to the Apache Solr search results

I'm trying to configure a search page from Apache Solr module, and add some custom fields to the items. Here is the code I'm using for this Custom module: function hook_apachesolr_query_alter($query)...
ijujym's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a new Solr server URL

I am using Tomcat with Apache Solr to search the content on my site. For testing purposes, I use http://localhost:8080/solr to connect to the Solr server, but I would like to change this to http://...
4 votes
1 answer

Why aren't nodes indexed when they are saved?

Why aren't nodes indexed when they are saved? As we all know, node_update_index is invoked by search_cron, which means that the search index is only updated as frequently as cron runs. I am curious ...
mpdonadio's user avatar
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How to display, search, and edit form submissions from a table with WebForm?

I am very new to Drupal and I've been recently assigned a task to make a form for a single admin to register people and their info. It's basically a registration/contact form, except these people aren'...
Eric Ren's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to give control of number of search results displayed to the user? Apache Solr

I want to let user choose the number of search results that should be displayed in a search page powered by apache solr. The current setup I have only lets the admin choose the number of results to be ...
char_x0r's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I filter search results?

I need to restrict certain search results from showing up for users and limit them to a specific content-type. This can be either the main search or some sort of custom search since it's the only type ...
Damon's user avatar
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How do I add a node reference as a apache solr facet

I have used Search API which provided a lot more facets like node reference fields by default as facets. However I had to use solr3.6 and decided to take up ApacheSolr module for this project. I see ...
char_x0r's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I change the search key length?

I'm using Search API and Fuzzysearch in D7, and it's unable to search for three letter words. Unfortunately, we have a TON of 3-letter acronyms at work, so these need to be searchable. I've looked in ...
AJC's user avatar
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2 answers

No Search form for custom theme

I am creating my first theme. I don't see the "Search form" block under structure>block for my theme. It is present for other themes. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Should I put something ...
ryy's user avatar
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4 answers

Theming search page

I'm customizing my search results page. I have found the two templates search-result.tpl and search-results.tpl but in addition to these there is also a collapsible fieldset for advanced search. Where ...
CobaltBabyBear's user avatar
1 vote
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Search result pager

anyone knows how to print all results at search results page?? (no pager) The default template, print a pager and i don't know where it came from thanks
Federico Arena's user avatar
6 votes
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Apache Solr Search show only currrent user language

I'm using Apache Solr Search Integration to do the searching on our website, works great except i get results for all the language on the site instead of only the one the user is currently using. Is ...
dazz's user avatar
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