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A module to watch active users and possible send them messages directly

As I develop an online store, I have debugging logs tracking site activity. the Ubercart based store has one department open, and 5 more under construction, so we have customers showing up and ...
Blake Senftner's user avatar
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Views to display nodes based on ACL permission

I'm trying to use Flexiaccess with ACL to build a view based on node that the user has access granted by Flexiaccess. I found this on, it's the same use case, but is not working for me ...
Krlos's user avatar
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How to trigger a rule whenever users update their picture

Using Drupal 7 and the Rules module I need to trigger a rule whenever users update their user-picture. I tried using the event "After updating an existing user account" which does trigger the rule, ...
dnoncoder's user avatar
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How to trigger Rules from Ajax-picture-uploader?

I'm using Rules with event "After updating an existing user account". It should trigger whenever a user uploads a new profile picture. Now I've added an ajax uploader for user pictures, the Avatar ...
dnoncoder's user avatar
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How to prevent Profile2 fields from loading on user registration?

I have a profile2 Profile that's named Driver. This profile has a Term reference to a vocabulary named Cities that contains over 30.000 terms. I made a custom user-register.tpl.php by declaring it in ...
soyjaz's user avatar
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Is it possible to cancel the creation of user without triggering an error?

I have a problem with account creation spam, in which a bot or other bad actor tries to create accounts using somebody elses email address. The owner of the email address flags the verification email ...
frederickf's user avatar
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How can I set page specific user view access by user role?

I need to be able to restrict access to specific pages based on user role, I heard that nodeaccess could do that, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that with it, can you set page ...
Eluchel's user avatar
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Restrict language based content editing for nodes and blocks

I am running a D7 multi-language site. I am looking for a solution to restrict node AND block editing for english language, only. The editor should not be allowed to edit french content. How can ...
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Proper Workbench Access/Moderation/Email + Node permissions for my use case?

I've been banging my head against the wall all weekend trying to figure this out but just can't seem to get 100% of the way there... I fix one thing, causing another thing to break. Making me question ...
Chris K's user avatar
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3 answers

How to restrict users to certain Content Types?

A site that I'm working on will have lots of users managing the content. Unfortunately their workflow dictates that certain people only have access to certain content types. There isn't a method to ...
John_911's user avatar
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What might cause duplicate user registrations?

We have a site with about 16,000 registered users. I've just discovered there are over 100 duplicate user registrations. These users have all the same details (username email etc) and have been ...
BrettSh's user avatar
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How to track an action when user creates a node of a specific content type?

I use Drupal 7 and I want to track an action when user creates a node of a specific content type. I installed the Facebook Pixel and Facebook Tracking Pixel modules, but they don't support my needs. ...
carrotandme's user avatar
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How to allow access to nodes with terms that match the terms in a user profile?

I try to create a site based on D7. I have an issue and I don't have any idea how can I solve it. A user should have two term reference fields in the user's profile. And a node should have the same ...
trolik's user avatar
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Permissions wiping themselves

I have a weird problem and was hoping maybe someone on this community experienced it before or would know a better way to debug the issue. I help manage a large group of multi-sites in Drupal 7.52. ...
Aaron C's user avatar
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One content type doesn't show up for one role on content page

Weird bug with a relatively complex D7 setup using admin_views: on the admin/content page, nodes of one content type ("event") don't show up at all, but only for a specific role ("editor"), even ...
s427's user avatar
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User picture preview is not updating with $form_state rebuild

To user profile form I have added a custom submit function. In that submit function I'm setting the $form_state['rebuild'] value to TRUE. When I change the user picture and click the save button, it ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Get user register form fields in edit profile form page

So the user register form fields are not displaying in the corect order in the edit profile form page. I have set the order of the fields from admin panel user manage fields admin/config/people/...
Aditya's user avatar
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How to send password recovery in user's saved language?

I have set everything accordingly as described in different answers of all this kind of questions, But could not solve problem. I want to sent password recovery email either in English or in German ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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Profile 2, user relation access? A hard one!

The site contains 2 user types besides admin, lets call the 2 user types "Private" and "Corporate". Private users have a "profile 2" type, where alot of different fields are filled. In a view or ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to print all Roles that are granted access to a Node in TPL?

Anyone know how to display Roles that are granted access to a node in a node TPL in D7? IE: Admin, Editor, Food Snobs: I have already tried Devel and Devel node access, yet there is no info. I am ...
Frederick Weiss's user avatar
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Can I add php code on title of a link?

I have this problem: I created three content types. Actor, author and musician. An user can modify own actor, author and musician profile, if his role is one of these. A user can have more than one ...
Germano Carella's user avatar
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Using user role information with hook_user_logout()

I want to give users a custom logout message based on their role, but on logout the $user variable is no longer available. How can I achieve this? I figured the key might be with $_SESSION, during ...
Brigette's user avatar
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Allow users to unsubscribe

I'm working on a Drupal 7 site that has Simplenews and a custom registration process. The registration allows the user to subscribe to the newsletter, but once logged in there is nowhere to ...
JBS's user avatar
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How do prepopulate a Field Type Postal Address with values from a user profile

I'm using address field module (addressfield-7.x-1.2) and I don't know how to prepopulate the address field from users profile2 (profile2-7.x-1.3) addressfield I managed to prepopulate other single ...
hobbsie's user avatar
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Render a content based on access permission

I have two content_types,Type_A and Type_B. I have referenced one field in Type_B to Type_A by using entity reference type. But when the particular Type_A node is not published,then also anonymous ...
Suraj's user avatar
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How to make Posts/Blogs mentioning a user appear in the user's profile?

I'm using Drupal 7 and I created a simple page where users are able to create challenges and tag people in their posts. For tagging I used the Mentions module and it works fine, I'm able to visit ...
Viktor's user avatar
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How to require a password when login in

I'm making a CMS for my job on Drupal 7. when i go onto the login page I'm able to access the content on the site without having to enter the password. how do i change this?
devon's user avatar
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Superuser Access denied on admin menu cache clear

Just took over dev work on this D7 site, so I don't know exactly how everything is set up. When I try to clear the cache via admin menu, I get an access denied message on /admin_menu/flush-cache?token=...
Mrweiner's user avatar
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Disable message response when message was sent to all users of a role

Is it possible to disable the functionality to reply to a message, when this message was sent to all the users of a role? I know it is possible to disable the functionality to reply to messages, but I ...
Claudio's user avatar
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Show/hide entity registration form fields depending on registration state

I'm using the Entity Registration module on Drupal 7. I want to show/hide custom fields on the registration form depending on the state of the registration. I thought to use the Conditional Field ...
Martijn Verbrugh's user avatar
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simple fb connect enter custom user field in field group for new users

I need a help with an issue that I am facing in the module. So, on my registration page I have some extra fields like: Country Real name (different from username) Country and real name value is in ...
Chintan Sureliya's user avatar
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How to implement moderation of data entered through user profile pages?

I am in need of a means of moderating data entered through a user's profile page, or at least for certain specified fields, both upon initial submission and after any revision. These are fields that ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Blocks only visible to Admin, despite clear permissions

This problem concerns two related content types: Vendors and Resources (which are products sold by the Vendors). I have set up a Views block, "Resources by vendor", to display on all Vendor pages. ...
Brandon's user avatar
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One time URL doesn't re-direct the user to change the password

In Home » Administration » Configuration » under the email messages section when a user is invited to the site the [user:password] is not generated and the one-time-login URL doesn't re-direct the ...
qaz123's user avatar
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Allow users to access only terms that he created

Terms from user that created nodes are stored in vocabulary tags. When user creates new content i would like to allow him to only choose from list of terms he created instead of whole vocabulary. Is ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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Should I still prevent caching of pages with an Address Field?

On the Address Field module page it says there can be problems with Drupal‘s cache and anonymous authors: Address Field should work on any entity type, but if you use it on an entity type that can ...
unor's user avatar
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How to alert users when new content is added via email and/or text message?

I have a membership Drupal 7 website and I'd like to automatically alert users via their email address and/or text message to their cell phone when new content is added? I'd also like to give ...
John Bernier's user avatar
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one profile2 profile for 2 users

I'm working on a website for the elemantary school of my kids. The parents should have the option to login to the site to consult information (children in classes, addresses of other parents,...). ...
jan willekens's user avatar
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Display text according to the access to a field

With field permissions, I restrict the access of a field to certain users. I would like to display some text to inform the user that he has no access to the field. I tried it in node.tpl.php : &...
Hgfdsoiu's user avatar
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Users can't access Advanced Poll nodes (permissions issue)

I have Access Control control installed and I thought I had permissions figured out. I can create a new page or article and grant or deny access to Anonymous (or other users) by changing the settings ...
bantar's user avatar
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Node access permission but show view teasers and search result teasers

I use Content Access module and Profile 2 module to restrict access to specific nodes and assign a specific role during registration. The problem now is that the search results are not visible? How ...
meez's user avatar
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Send prefill message PrivateMsg

I need a feature for my website, I want that users can send pre-filled messages to others users. Like in an user's profile page, they just have to click on a button and then, the pre-filled message ...
Corentin Branquet's user avatar
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Export user's passwords from one sites to another

I queried users table from an old site and saved those users in a new site, excluding passwords (every user has default 'password' password). Now I'd like to get hashed passwords from the old site and ...
Incredible's user avatar
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Delta values different after saving multi-value field with user_save

My module loops through a users current groups they belong to (Organic Group), adds them to an array, then after that loop completes, the new group is added and the array is saved to the user via ...
Nathan Follmer's user avatar
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Password Protect viewing the account page

I want to make the user re-enter their password to view their account page similar to how some sites make you re-enter it to edit settings, I want to make them enter it to view their account. Does ...
mcgyvrfan121's user avatar
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Custom VBO Action only works when enqueued (Adding User Role and Organic Group)

I wrote a custom module to add a VBO action that allows an Admin of a group to search the sites users, add them to their list (adds a role to the select users to get them on the list) and then allows ...
Nathan Follmer's user avatar
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How to make the Rules module block flagged users from sending entityform submissions?

I am trying to create a simple block user functionality on my site. I have a "Block/Unblock User" Flag that other users can block and unblock so they stop getting contact emails from (via entityform) ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Unable to add content?

I am working on a project with a fresh install of Drupal 7.41 and the customer wanted to use a Themeforest layout. Installation of core, theme and modules went without a problem, however, when I try ...
Jason D'Amico's user avatar
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user_save does not save data

if a user changes his email address, I want him to lose a specific role (if he had that role in the first place). To make matters more complicated, we have the "email confirm" module enabled and this ...
DerpMeister's user avatar
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Drupal commerce auto login during checkout process

I have created a e-commerce site, in that when anonymous user purchase a product during checkout process it should automatically created a account and assign order to the user. For existing user it ...
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