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1 answer

Attach a particular profile2 form to user registration form

I have about 3 profile types each with their own registration path. But there's one without a path. I want to attach this to the main registration form. So that it shows when adding user on the main ...
adigunsherif's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Unpublish node instead of deleting it

In my web application, I would like to prevent accidental or unauthorized deletions or modifications (e.g. a student steals teacher's credentials and deletes or changes bad marks). But, at the same ...
user1527576's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Find the password for user admin from a replicated old version of site

I have access to a copy of an old version of a production site on a dev server, but the owner of the website on prod has lost his credentials to admin and doesn't know his ssh login credentials. The ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Migrating Users with Migrate D2D when/if they already exist

How does Migrate D2D module handle the migration of users if the matching users already exist in the database? I did a user import with MySQL different way earlier, but I want to do it through this ...
Christia's user avatar
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Featurize user roles and permissions can't update

I have added user roles and permissions to feature which I use to featurize general site configurations and theme settings. In the past I believe this worked just fine, however, with my latest push ...
Christia's user avatar
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1 answer

How to show picture of the user who triggered the rule for message activity?

I am using message module to record user activity on the site and displaying it through views. I am using rules module to trigger actions on certain events and show the relevant message. How I can ...
Umair's user avatar
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5 answers

How to customize a textarea field?

I have created a textarea field using admin ui. It allows users to add Bio to their profile. I want to do 2 things with this field. Limit the characters to 255. Use a text format. Note: I do not want ...
Umair's user avatar
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2 answers

Create user profile using content type or add additional fields to the default registration form

I am good enough to build an entire drupal 7 website but my problem goes below: I am in the process of building a very simple drupal website for all volunteers in my country. So every volunteer will ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Custom block for anonymous users is shown to every user

I have a simple problem that has me stumped. I created a block with custom "login" and "create an account" links, which I only want to display to anonymous users, naturally. I deployed the block using ...
Christia's user avatar
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1 answer

hook_tokens_alter() not applying to [user:one-time-login-url] Token

I'm trying to alter the one time login token. I am implementing hook_tokens_alter to do this. /** * Implements hook_tokens_alter * @param $replacements * @param $context */ function ...
tobynew's user avatar
  • 245
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2 answers

Parameters in URL go away after Login

On my Drupal 7 site, I am using the Prepopulate module to pre-fill a field based on a parameter in the URL for authenticated users. An example of a URL is:
AndrewMRiv's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Rating for all images in a singular node?

Setting up a private gallery for a photographer, so that their clients may log in, see images specific to a certain photoshoot, and check a box, or click a star to favorite different images. Any ideas ...
Philip Stier's user avatar
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1 answer

How to limit a user to specific OG groups based on user role?

In a quite complex project page, I have several user roles (from Drupal core). Further, the page has an internal area which is built upon Organic Groups (OG). There are a lot of groups available, each ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

How to submit a user profile form through ajax?

I want to submit the user profile form through ajax. I see the ajax_register module but it does not support the user profile form. Is there any contrib module which I can use? Or this can done ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Drupal & Wordpress User Integration

I know I might be asking a really dumb and likely complex matter, but it's the only remotely easy option I have at the moment. Due to what is set up on two systems by my predecessor, wordpress and ...
Matthew's user avatar
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0 answers

How to send email confirmation mail to new user for custom role?

I have created a custom role i.e. Passenger. When user completes a custom form and submits the form, that particular user will be assigned Passenger role. Now my requirement is that when user ...
Suraj's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Custom access callbacks for user entities not being called

I'm trying to implement some custom access control for user entities, in Drupal 7. I've used hook_entity_info_alter to set $entity_info['user']['access callback'] = 'MYMODULE_user_access_callback'; ...
Monkeybrain's user avatar
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0 answers

How to restrict anonymous users without ajax error risk?

I want to restrict anonymous users from viewing the site accept few pages. There are few modules. I was using require login module. It was working perfectly as it redirected anonymous users to login ...
Umair's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to add a User Entity as a Field in Content Type?

How to add a User Entity as a Field in a Content Type? So I can be able to display First/Last Name field.
No one's user avatar
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1 answer

Auto Increment on users table is not functioning [duplicate]

I need to Create a new user programmatically. So, I have used user_save method, as shown here: $usersave = array( 'name' => 'abc', 'pass' => 'abc', 'mail' => '[email protected]', 'status' => ...
Vijay's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to show Personal reading rate?

I use view & seen module make a bulletin . How can I survey user "reading rate", I want to know: if everyone read every article, or which article specific person do not read yet. Any help?
pei2273's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make user picture editable without opening edit profile page?

I wanted to allow users to edit profile without going to edit profile page. I found few useful modules like Editable field and Editable fields as link. These modules provide field formatter which make ...
Umair's user avatar
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1 answer

How to approximate user location on IP&Geoloc maps

I'm using the combinaison of this modules : Address field Geofield Ip&Geoloc Leaflet I need to approximate the location of user's markers on the map for privacy reason. For exemple if somebody ...
Aporie's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Password reset on user_save() issue

I used user_save to update the field. However, whenever I run this function and I log out and try to log back the password doesn't work anymore.I think it cause a change in the password. can anyone ...
Brrocks's user avatar
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1 answer

Permissions wiping themselves

I have a weird problem and was hoping maybe someone on this community experienced it before or would know a better way to debug the issue. I help manage a large group of multi-sites in Drupal 7.52. ...
Aaron C's user avatar
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One content type doesn't show up for one role on content page

Weird bug with a relatively complex D7 setup using admin_views: on the admin/content page, nodes of one content type ("event") don't show up at all, but only for a specific role ("editor"), even ...
s427's user avatar
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1 answer

Content restrictions for logged in user with specific role

We use a D7 site to market and sell products B2B. We have a special client that only wants to see a small selection of products when logged in. I can of course give them a special role and allow them ...
TBJ's user avatar
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2 answers

How to automatically create a node for each user and set the user as author of the node?

I have 50 users on my site. I want to create 50 nodes and then set the author of the node to each of my 50 users. Is there a way to do this using a module or programmatically, rather than having to ...
seyi's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the Commerce product's price hidden in my view for Anonymous User?

I have a very strange problem with the Views and Drupal Commerce. I would like a list of products and their prices, but in the view - and ONLY in the view, the price is hidden for anonymous users. I ...
everaftergraphics's user avatar
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1 answer

Why are custom User Account fields not shown after account is saved?

Just upgraded to Drupal 7.54 and now when a user account is saved, any other users (other than admin 1 user) are unable to view or update the custom fields associated with the user account. They just ...
Darren's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I disable "Delete the account and its content"?

On the Cancel account page, is it possible to disable the option "Delete the account and its content"? Some roles have the permission to cancel user accounts, but they should not have the option to ...
JemoeE's user avatar
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Why this message "You are not authorized to access this page." coming on user edit page?

I am facing a strange behavior today, when I signup via Facebook or twitter and then go to user edit page it show this message: You are not authorized to access this page. Even if try to access ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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4 answers

Prevent multiple registrations from the same email using + character

Gmail and other email services allow users to extend their address using the + (plus) character. For example, mail to [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] will all be ...
Tadhg's user avatar
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How do I make custom pages? [closed]

I have a custom form with a custom schema. The schema has an ID that auto increments. Now I want to show the content on custom pages; each id should have its own page. What I want to do is if I'm ...
DiDebru's user avatar
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User picture preview is not updating with $form_state rebuild

To user profile form I have added a custom submit function. In that submit function I'm setting the $form_state['rebuild'] value to TRUE. When I change the user picture and click the save button, it ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Redirect after login through different login form

I try redirect user to specific tab on user profile page. I found couple solution how I can do that but it doesn't work if I use login form modules like Super Login, Bootstrap login form, fancy login, ...
NashGC's user avatar
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1 answer

Get user register form fields in edit profile form page

So the user register form fields are not displaying in the corect order in the edit profile form page. I have set the order of the fields from admin panel user manage fields admin/config/people/...
Aditya's user avatar
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Restricted visibility and search engine

The search engine crawler, like Googlebot, doesn't index any data, which is set to be visible only particular user, right? For example, let's say I have fields named field_A & field_B on user's ...
carrotandme's user avatar
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How to clear cache only for users's field?

I have some cache issues on website when I run some process. I'm looking for a way for clear cache only for user's fields from a custom module. K dn't want clear all cache for save performances. I ...
spacecodeur's user avatar
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user permission and roles

I'm very beginning to the Drupal. I created on role from my admin part, I need to access the roles with some permissions like i listed below. My concept is ticket raising system in various ...
user72492's user avatar
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How do I add authentication to a POST request on an implementation of hook_menu?

I have a list of lesson plans, sorted by category. Underneath each category, I have a link called "Add new lesson/category/root term". I would like it so that when the user clicks on "Add new ...
Lincoln Bergeson's user avatar
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How to send password recovery in user's saved language?

I have set everything accordingly as described in different answers of all this kind of questions, But could not solve problem. I want to sent password recovery email either in English or in German ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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Simplesamlphp behind reverse proxy

I have configured my application and simplesamlphp behind reverse proxy. I have created a test SP But when I am going to test the SP, it redirects to https://web-server-ip/adfs/ls/?SAMLRequest=nZL ...
Amit Sharma's user avatar
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How to restrict field permissions to referenced user?

I have a submit-review process where submitters choose their reviewer. The reviewers are linked By User Reference module. Submissions are public but have an Accept/Deny review button implemented with ...
geraldo's user avatar
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Profile 2, user relation access? A hard one!

The site contains 2 user types besides admin, lets call the 2 user types "Private" and "Corporate". Private users have a "profile 2" type, where alot of different fields are filled. In a view or ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

How to send an email notification reminder based on a user's date of entry field?

The authenticated users on my Drupal website have "Entry date" in their profile (= date when they registered). I want to send out notifications to me (the admin) when a user has been registered on my ...
Vasmir's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting custom permissions in a view on a per-display basis

Context D7 Views (latest version as of this writing 2017-02) Scenario SingerRegarn has a D7 view with five displays, where the access control on each display is set to: Access:Permission | View ...
dreftymac's user avatar
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Copy a user directly in database from another database (from production to dev-site)

related to this post for Drupal 6 (Adding a new user directly in database), I wanted to ask for help for my problem: I have a drupal 7 site which is already online ("in use/production"). Users can ...
dercheffe's user avatar
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2 answers

admin/people/permissions no access

I can not access admin/people/permissions, even the link to permissions in the backend-menu is not visible. But I am logged in as admin! So what can be the problem here?
jjjj's user avatar
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Permissions deselected, but user can still edit content

Reproduce: Create new content type with uid:1 In admin/people/permissions you can see that permissions are not given to Administrator role, they are deselected/unticked by default for the new content ...
user3108268's user avatar

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