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7 votes
4 answers

How to use token as a filter value in views

I'm looking for a solution that would allow me to use tokens in views filter values. For example, if I have text field 'my_custom_text' I would like to have a filter that would allow me to use 'Is ...
SiliconMind's user avatar
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2 answers

Show 3 different Views displays for same exposed filter block or link Views displays?

So, I have a View which uses exposed filters which has the exposed form style set to block. In my first view display, I have one page display which shows the content as teaser view for all results. ...
dan2k3k4's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Menu Tabs with Views 3 (Drupal 7)

So I'm confused by the Menu Tabs functionality of Views 3 (Drupal 7 site). My menu is organized like this: About-Us => /about-us --Management => /about-us/management ----Top-Management => /...
JonMcL's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to create a combination chart with the Charts module if some X-axis values are missing?

I've been searching for a solution to my problem for a while without success so maybe someone here can help me. I've already looked at the answer to the question about "How to combine 3 line charts ...
zephirus's user avatar
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2 answers

Reasons for subsequent Broken/missing handler in Views?

In the process of upgrading Drupal 6.x to 7.x I'm facing a problem that makes all my views show nothing relevant. (I believe the problem is here but I'm not sure, I don't know. That's why I'm asking): ...
Nicolas Manzini's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Add custom views options

I am trying to add some custom view options. I am not even sure if what I'm trying to do is possible. Basically I want to put a custom option under the Other category. It would look like: My custom ...
donutdan4114's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

I want the view to show no results when the filter doesn't containing anything

I am trying to use the Views module for an auto-submit field, to get the names from my taxonomies. How can I get the field to show the results after the users type something into the input box, ...
Jeremy Love's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Alternatives to creating a large number of one-use, page-specific blocks?

I'm working on a relatively large site using Drupal 7, and find myself creating a large number of one-use, page-specific blocks in order to embed custom content on some of the pages in this site. Is ...
Tyler's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Hide a view if less than N results

I wonder if it's possible to hide a view (as block view) if it has less than X results.
Disco's user avatar
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1 answer

How can filter a view by several NID's?

I try to filter a node by the criteria of NID. Naturally I can filter by a single NID, but in this case I need to to filter by multiple NIDs. I tried to wrote the following number values and non ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Drupal 7 views Contextual filters with Page & Blocks

I have an issue and i'm hoping to get some advise. I have a view created that show content based on the url: eg: Shows fields for my node with the title one
cybercampbell's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

how to make a field in a view be the link destination to another field?

I am trying to create ads on the sidebar to my site. I have created a content type that has 2 fields; an image field, and a link field. I now want to display the ads in a view by having the image ...
Ephraim's user avatar
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4 answers

Filter to only nodes with an image in an imagefield

I'm sure this can't be difficult, but it has me stumped. In my view, I want to exclude nodes that do not have an image in a specific field. The field allows an unlimited number of images. I don't ...
Icode4food's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to reorder the nodes in a View?

I have a complicated View containing many pages and attachments. When I built the View, I didn't think much about the order of the pages and attachments, but now I would like to change the ordering ...
Joe Corkery's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the purpose of Master Display in Views module of Drupal 7? Why is it not present in every Drupal 7 installation?

I have been using Views on Drupal 7 a lot and I enjoy it every time. Great module. I have always noticed the existence of "Master" display while creating views but, never bothered about its existence ...
Raf's user avatar
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1 answer

How to insert values into Global custom text field of views programmatically?

How can I programmatically insert values into Global custom text field from the views. I have tried using the $views variable from the hook_views_pre_render(&$views) and ...
harshal's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add up rows in a view?

I would like to show a "cumulative total" of nodes by date. For example, it should look like this: date number total 1/1 1 1 1/2 3 4 1/3 2 6 1/4 4 10 I've tried views_php ...
uwe's user avatar
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1 answer

Views exposed filter redirects to wrong url

After submitting the filter settings, on a page (panel in ctools Page manager module) with view content pane, the filter path (in URL) instead of being applied to the current page (with view), it is ...
ijujym's user avatar
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2 answers

Dynamic Views Title

Drupal 7. I have a view that displays all taxonomy terms based on an argument in the URl. Is there a way to set the title to display dynamically? For example, the I have a Taxonomy called ...
Mike's user avatar
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5 answers

How to show specific views for certain combinations of taxonomy terms?

I have searched and not been able to find anything related to this specific situation. I would like to show specific views for certain combinations of taxonomy terms in Drupal 7. I have three ...
Tims's user avatar
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2 answers

How to inline edit node fields in a view

I have a table view of content node fields, and I need to be able to edit them inline. It looks like the Edit module would work, but I'm not sure if it works with views. When the user clicks on a ...
vintorg's user avatar
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4 answers

cannot track view with features

I'm using Features to create a feature called foo which tracks content types and views so they can be described in code, committed to my repository and eventually pushed into the staging and ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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Views exposed pager options

I need to hide the pager's exposed options (results per page) when the view has no results. I looked everywhere but can't find anything. Thanks
Marius Ilie's user avatar
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3 answers

Restricting node reference values to owner

I have played with a bunch of modules (Node Reference Node Access, Views Field, View Reference) and can't seem to find one that does a very simple job; In one content type I want a field that provides ...
Christian's user avatar
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Duplicate taxonomy terms from view

So I haven't yet been able to find a solution to this without using a preprocess function to check for duplicates or just using the 'tagadelic' module.. it'd be nice to get some closure. How do I ...
Storsey's user avatar
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If there are so many modules in Drupal, are the hard-coded functions reserved only for contributed modules?

I read somewhere (cannot recall source) that a programmer was capable of doing extremely complex and tailor-suited web pages using Drupal without writing a single line of code (using hooks), just ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Add author's name to view

Is there some simple way I can add the author's name as a field to be displayed in my view?
Jane's user avatar
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2 answers

Moving Exposed Views Filter into another region of the page

Is there any way to move the exposed filters of views into another region of the site? i.e. I want to have a Search functionality attached to the a view by exposing the "Search: Search Terms", but I ...
Peter's user avatar
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3 answers

Insert row into a view

I have a view which fetches nodes from content type A, arranges them in a grid and uses a displaysuite buildmode to render them...nothing fancy so far. Now I want to insert a specific node of content ...
Philipp Horn's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Group nodes by terms

How do you group a list of nodes by the taxonomy term? e.g. Term 1 --- Node 1 --- Node 3 --- Node 7 Term 2 --- Node 6 --- Node 9 --- Node 12 I have tried creating a view with "Node" and "Taxonomy ...
big_smile's user avatar
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3 answers

D7: Add a class to a list item when the created date is less than 14 days old

Using Drupal 7 and Views, I currently have a view that produces a list of 5 teasers of the content type "News." 5 teasers is a hard rule. I'd like to conditionally format the rows so that ...
Screenack's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Get the taxonomy term field in Views 3 override title

Is it possible to get a taxonomy term field in the title of a view, using the override title in the contextual filters? I know I can get taxonomy fields using relationships, but is there an argument ...
Jeremy Love's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I move a view display from a view to another one?

I have a old view named Users with two displays (All-Users and Flagged-Users) and today I create another view named Flags and I have a display named Flagged-Books, but now I want transfer my display ...
Adrian Cid Almaguer's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

How to add up price values when group by month?

I have a Views table view that shows bank transactions. Each transaction has: A price field (which consists of a single positive OR negative amount) A date field I would like to display the ...
big_smile's user avatar
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3 answers

How to translate Select List options used in exposed filters of a view?

I'm having an issue with translation of exposed filters in Views. I'm using a text list field as an exposed filter in my view. The problem is that even though I translated the list terms via strings (...
Miquel Correa Casablanca's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to filter views result using the views_php module?

I have 2 integer fields in views , first field is 'field_code' and second field is 'field_rank', Finally I want filter views result, with views_php module. I use this code but it does not work, $math ...
Liberal's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to conditional sort criteria in views

Is there a way to make a conditional sort criteria with views in D7? I want to do the following stuff: if node property = x use this sort criteria else use this one
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Meaning of "Query results" and "Rendered output" in Views cache?

Previously I've set the "Query results" and "Rendered output" cache to 1 hour. What I need is: Cache for 1 hour Update the cache immediately when related node updated But when updating node, it ...
apasajja's user avatar
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Is there a way to edit views fields in place?

I haven't tried the Editview or editablefields modules for Drupal 6, but neither is available yet for Drupal 7 anyway. I'd like to provide a way for my users to edit lots of nodes and node fields on ...
rfay's user avatar
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In Views, how to allow users to toggle between a grid and list?

I have a view that returns a 4 column grid view. The client wants to be able to toggle between grid results and teaser results by clicking on an icon. Does Views handle this naturally? Do I need to ...
vintorg's user avatar
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View to display user points and the reason for the points

Using user points module, the users of my site are successfully being assigned points for any content they post or revisions they make and so on. Now when a user logs in, i want the user to be able to ...
why's user avatar
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granularity of views filter on date field

I have a content type which has a date field. That date field collects: Year Month Day Hour Minute I've created a view with a filter on that field. The granularity I can filter with only goes down ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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How to programmatically create views in Drupal 7

How do I programmatically create views in Drupal 7? I would like to create a custom module that would output data as a view. Is there any documentation on how to output views from a custom module?
LLub's user avatar
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How do I create a View of different entity types?

I haven't used Views much before but it feels like I should be so I'm getting stuck in... I think I'm missing something obvious here but how would I go about creating a view that 'mixes' several ...
Clive's user avatar
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Views generating JSON output

I want to pull a JSON file out of a view that has images. This is similar to the way views_datasource works in D6. I am not a drupal coder, but I would like to give this a try. but I am guessing ...
IrishGringo's user avatar
6 votes
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Using Panels and Views to override taxonomy listing - which argument to use?

I'm using Panels to override the taxonomy display at taxonomy/term. I just enabled the term_view page that comes with Panels and it works great. So going to mysite/colours/blue shows the Panels page ...
pushka's user avatar
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How to display the same views exposed form block twice?

I'm trying to display the same views exposed from block twice. Once in the left nav and once in content top. With multi block I can clone the block and I am able to display both. However, I would like ...
Jepedo's user avatar
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Insert *whatever* every nth row in Views

I am looking for a solution to insert "something" every nth row in a view. Technically, that "something" will be an Ad, but in Drupal terms it could be a block, a node, an entity, custom html row......
joe's user avatar
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Display fields only once (Views)

I would like to show a table of products. I grouped them by nid. In the table header views shows me the nid. Instead of this, I would like to add fields of the node to be displayed once like: node ...
Buwallihuh's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Linking two different content types with Views

I was wondering if one can link up the data with views in this way: I have two content types (current_state & desired_state), both have 3 fields (location, item, quantity) How can I join the ...
Fuzzy's user avatar
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