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Views PHP row-> returns NULL

I have a simple View that has a global custom text field with the value of "hi". I have a global PHP field that tries to print this value with echo $row->nothing;. As this is the strange ...
spontarelliam's user avatar
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Is there a method to get a view to provide multiple tags in a CSV export within one column rather than mulitple rows?

I have a D7 site that is being recreated. I need to generate a CSV of particular fields used in its numerous content types. There are 5 taxonomy reference fields. I have created a relationship for ...
JAyenGreen's user avatar
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View breaks the page output

Has anyone encountered this problem or can at least help me debug it? The views is displayed as standard if the parameters are specified. Format:Unformatted list | Settings Show:Field If I change it ...
drupnub's user avatar
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Fetch the total number of rows in Rules View to use that number in Rules

I have a View that lists entity IDs of some sort and I have created a Rules View for this. In Rules, I have created a component where I want to fetch the total number of rows from that Rules View and ...
BassPlaya's user avatar
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Caching Views with altered query

I have a view showing on taxonomy terms which shows popular nodes from same category of taxonomy terms. Category - Taxonomy Terms - Nodes Lets say Term A and Term B both are same category. On Term A ...
JM John's user avatar
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Report of coupon and users

I have users who are partners and users who are clients. When clients submit an order, they use a custom coupon code associated with each partner. (Each partner has a Mycodes field set within their ...
user3532287's user avatar
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Filter only by existing nodes

I am trying to get a view to have only a selective range of referenced content, (somewhat like Classification filter) in its exposed filter, but not having any joy so far. This ...
Onyx's user avatar
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trigger('RefreshView') problems with pagination

Colleagues, can you please advise: there is a views with enabled ajax and pagination, there is a form on the page (also ajax, but not views), which makes changes to the displayed views values. To ...
Mayk RE's user avatar
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How can I find all the nodes that use a hierarchical vocabulary taxonomy term and reference a child term but not its parent term

I am using Drupal 7. I have a content type "Public Resource" that uses a hierarchical vocabulary called "Resource Topics" that has up to 3 levels (parent->child->child of ...
Matt Pugh's user avatar
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How to delete a node without deleting it's relation

I have the following script that I run in /devel/php panel to delete the list of nodes in the array. I want to delete the nodes but I do not want to delete it's relation. When I run this script from /...
unixmiah's user avatar
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Template output singe fields from entity reference fields from other content type

I have "Carousel" content that calls another "news" content type. I created the view that shows the teaser of the single news. I would like to create an html inside the .tpl "...
immagimario's user avatar
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Title field returning ' where apostrophe should be?

I have a series of fields on a View. For some reason, any node title field with an apostrophe in it is being returned to my endpoint as Jen's Cupcake Store instead of Jenn's Cupcake Store. ...
Brittany's user avatar
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How to create a custom layout with for a view, I have tried to print the fields but nothing works I created the template but cant display rows

I have a view in drupal 7 but I cant show up the rows, I created a template for the row-style-output but nothing happen. <?php /** * @file * Default simple view template to all the fields as a ...
kelvin ramirez's user avatar
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Add prefix on tables break my site

I have an old site on an old shared server which used an old shared PHP 5 we can not update. I create a copy of this website which will run on a different (and dedicated) server with PHP 5.6 and ...
Claire D's user avatar
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Views performance: Teaser vs Fields

I have to create a view on a Drupal 7 site which will have 6/8 node fields. There will be some logic for which I will have to rewrite results as well as create a views-view-field-XX.tpl.php template ...
Sandesh Yadav's user avatar
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Filter GeoJSON feed on a value in the path

I have GeoJSON feed, created with a view in Drupal 7, that I want to filter on a path value in the url of the loaded page (/path/%). The feed is loaded as an Openlayers map on a page. The feed seem to ...
frank.schram's user avatar
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Create a user map with a results tables below it

I've been searching around for the past couple months, watched a lot of YouTube videos, and read a lot of tutorials, and I've made a lot of progress with an alumni directory our team is creating. But, ...
Frank0051's user avatar
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How do I print the display name?

I have a view with multiple pages. In the Views interface, I can set a display name for each display. Is there anyway I can print this name in the view itself, for example adding a Global Text field ...
big_smile's user avatar
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Adding conditional comparison of two columns in relationship

I am trying to put value comparision while creating relationship. When i give direct value that works perfectly fine. but i wanted to pass column name with alias to get required results. This is ...
Rog Boy's user avatar
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How can I make 3 different menus?

I need to do an Agenda in Drupal 7. The table for the events is more or less already done, but I would need to add 3 days on the top like: Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 Depending on which day is ...
Ray91's user avatar
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How do I display nodes of two different content types that use the same taxonomy term?

I have two content types, typeA and typeB. Both the content types have a taxonomy reference field. I created a view for each content type. In the view showing typeA nodes, I want to show also typeB ...
Yassine Ait Elhachemi's user avatar
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Set a Data Value from Text field to Term Reference field

Node has two fields: Text field Term reference field (autocomplete?) The Text field is old and already has 500 nodes with 500 unique values. The Term reference field is new and needs to contain same ...
user3108268's user avatar
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Drupal 7 taxonomy term fields not handling content filters

Image Resize Filter doesn't work with taxonomy term description. Resizing works fine in nodes and blocks, but not in views for taxonomy term. I'm loading term in my view template. And render its ...
Alexey Uvarov's user avatar
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Views contextual display based on taxonomy for no value

I have a content type that has a name field and a taxonomy field that contains cities. I want the view to display by default the city as title and the message "nobody lives in city X" for ...
stoncu's user avatar
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Can I use a contextual filter to remove content?

So I have this view that searches for content (articles, blogs, etc.) associated with a particular author name. Is there a way with this that I can pass a contextual filter of taxonomy terms that ...
user1470118's user avatar
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Redirect Search API view result (Leaflet map) to display in a pane

The particular Search function starts as Full Panel Page in a style to a Google Maps Location Search page; Search Input (Block) to the top left overlaid on a current Leaflet map based on the logged-in ...
Paul B's user avatar
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Display a certain page in a view

Here is what I'm trying to do is display a certain page in a view instead of all of the basic pages. How would I go about doing that?
Kevin Davis's user avatar
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Video does not pause automatically when slider change in FlexSlider

I'm using version drupal 7 to create the "slideshow" to display the slideshow of the video, each video is embedded in its own content item. When the user starts to play the video, if the ...
evasim's user avatar
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How can I preprocess pager links for a view display?

I've created a custom Drupal 7 block view that uses a mini pager. I need to display the pager-previous and pager-next links as images, and replace the pager-current link with some text. Do I need to ...
pglatz's user avatar
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View won't save end date configuration as filter criteria

I'm using Drupal 7 with views 7.x-3.15 and Date 7.x-2.9 I have a date field for an "Events" content type. Events can sometimes last more than 1 day, so I have enabled an associated end date. ...
wotney's user avatar
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View with Block and Page results in Pager Issues [duplicate]

I have a view that has a Block and a Page. The block is up in the header of the site as seen in the first image below and obviously the page is loaded in the content area. The odd behaviour is that ...
The Gugaru's user avatar
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Show views active filter values as pills without using Facets

I have this requirement where selected filter values need to appear as "pills" on the page with an "x" which, when clicked, would unset the filter and reload the search without ...
Joseph's user avatar
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How to get the input value with preprocess from a Fulltext Search Filter exposed form

For Drupal 7 I found a workaround to a similar situation here, when combining Core search block forms and search api contextual filters. This "workaround" won't work when using Search API, ...
tonytheferg's user avatar
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Filter Content and Files using the same Taxonomy term filter in Search API

I have several File (File Entity) and Content (nodes) types both referencing the same Topic taxonomy using the same field (one field, reused). The contents of these files/content are indexed in the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Relative date filter views block is cached for anonymous users

Drupal 7.74, views 3.24 (latest) I have a view which uses a date field to filter and shows on: less than or equal to "now" I display the view in a block. With caching for anonymous enabled, (...
user3016811's user avatar
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Display multiple timezone values from a single date/time entry

In Drupal 7 Views Date/Time field, is there a way to generate multiple timezone values from a single event date, with start and end values? For example, if an event is entered into the start/end Time ...
Molesworth's user avatar
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Views pager not printing

I am working on a project in Drupal 7 and the pager is not working properly. It will display on the block but not on the page no matter what I do. I have even tried changing the pager_id and that ...
The Gugaru's user avatar
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How can I get nested paragraphs out of Views JSON API?

I have a content type with embedded Paragraphs, and I'm trying to get those paragraphs into a JSON response, via a Views endpoint, along with the rest of the node. For example: Product (content type) ...
i-know-nothing's user avatar
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Why is my View empty if the taxonomy term of a field on an entity is not set (i.e. 0)

I am using ECK in Drupal 7 and I have an entity that has a property called "your_country". The behavior is "term_reference" (using the eckextend module) The type is "integer&...
BassPlaya's user avatar
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how to add exposed drop-down filter with options in a view of custom table

In a drupal 7 website, I have a view that is based on a custom table. I have a status column in that custom table, which is type of integer and has 0 or 1 value, and in a view I want to add exposed ...
Vik Durve's user avatar
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How can I programmatically change the parse mode?

We have a view that works with Search API and Solr search. The multiple search terms work with single quotes and with no quotes. I want to make the search terms work with double quotes as well. The ...
Jaswinder Singh's user avatar
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Alter Services JSON Response

I have created a view to render all taxonomy terms and displayed it through a service. I have also created an endpoint in the service module to hit the url through firefox add-on RESTer to test the ...
Souvik Das's user avatar
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How can I place a view on a page? [closed]

I would like to add a view at the bottom of a page. Is it possible? How?
Kevin's user avatar
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How do I create a view with mixed languages, showing the node's original language by default?

I have a site with mixed languages, Spanish and English. Some content was originally created in English, then translated into Spanish. Other content was originally created in Spanish, then translated ...
Dean Smith's user avatar
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How to programmatically import a block to existing view?

I need to programmatically import a block to existing view with its settings. I know how to export the whole view and import it programmatically. But I don't want to export whole view and then import ...
oneindige's user avatar
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How to create flagged nodes views that show up to colorbox using custom link

I Have flagged nodes, but because there are many flagged list with user, I want to show flagged list if user click on the text link as I describe on the picture. How to figure out this stuff?
masmalik's user avatar
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How can I allow a filter in a view to be modified by a site admin without granting full permission to alter the view? [duplicate]

I have a module with a view and some other functionality. I want to give site managers the ability to change the filter on the view (this isn't an exposed filter) but not give access to change the ...
kmharrell's user avatar
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Is there a way to bring content files into views with white space removed?

I am trying to have the title in a view, once as the first letter, once as full title, and then have Drupal group these fields, as follows. A Alabama Alaska Arizona C California Connecticut However,...
kmharrell's user avatar
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I need to group a view by first initial (A,B,C) but both A and a are considered separate groups

How can I get views to group upper and lowercase together? I have the title field added twice in the view and the second instance under REWRITE RESULTS I have "Trim this field to a maximum length&...
kmharrell's user avatar
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get value from content type B, in a view of content type A

i have a content type named songs. among other fields, it has a field named title of the song, which has as its field type the Node reference. i also have a second content type named songsTitles which ...
bapafe's user avatar
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