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Search Taxonomy Term pages containing entity referenced nodes

So, I've got myself into a bit of a pickle here and was hoping that could point out a way through. Drupal 7 Views Display Suite Entity Reference Inline Entity Reference Search API Database Search I ...
PUncle's user avatar
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Programmatically create user reference field

I want to add a user reference field in taxonomy term. I create field and it's instance: $field = ['field_name' => 'mymodule_employee', 'label' => t('Employee'), 'type' => '...
menelai's user avatar
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In Drupal 7 how to expose TID (term id) as a selectable field on the manage display section of the taxonomy page?

How can I expose the TID of a the term as a field via the manage display section of the taxonomy page?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How do I output a category and its custom field on a node listing?

We've got a content type that has a Category field. The Category taxonomy has a tagline (custom field). I also have a view (Page type) that outputs all nodes of my content type, grouped by the ...
Robert K's user avatar
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How to add a field for each taxonomy term or entity reference chosen in Content Type?

I have a content type ‘Product’. When the user add a product it is necessary to choose a Store (a taxonomy term or another content type). After stores are chosen, it is necessary to add the directly ...
JGouveia's user avatar
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D7 - Print node taxonomy terms including custom term field as CSS Class

I have a list of possible taxonomy terms (vocab is called Categories) that can be referenced on a given node. For this particular vocabulary, I have a custom field called field_icon_class. The ...
maGz's user avatar
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Term parent in node.tpl.php

I have an Entity taxonomy Reference field in my content type. I need to print parent of the term linked to my node in node.tpl.php (link to that term). How can I do it? Thanks for your help.
user2171413's user avatar
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add new format to description fiield of taxonomy display modes

when you go to structure -> taxonomy -> VOCABULARY_NAME -> manage display you will find the description field with no label, and with two available format : hidden and visible. I want to add ...
Boussetta moez's user avatar
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How to disable links in taxonomy term node fields [closed]

I have a list of rendered taxonomy terms in a node sidebar, rendered as h2 tags, linked to the taxonomy page for that tid. I don't want that term to link anywhere, so I want to remove the link and ...
vintorg's user avatar
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Printing taxonomy terms as an un-ordered list

How to print taxonomy terms as an un-ordered list in page.tpl.php. Where i want to print a taxonomy term called "Article Category" and all its vocabularies one by one as a un-ordered list, so it can ...
rakibtg's user avatar
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Adding CSS around taxonomy terms in node field

In my node, I have a taxonomy field that displays one or more taxonomy terms (as plain text using DS). I want to wrap a CSS class around the term, depending on the term value. Where is the best ...
vintorg's user avatar
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Limit options when creating content according to selected value

I have three content types, Events, Disciplines and Championships. An Event has entity references to Disciplines and Championships and Championship has an entity reference to Disciplines. ----- 1..n ...
Pedro del Sol's user avatar
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In Drupal 7, how do I display my taxonomy term fields while creating content when using a checkbox field?

I currently have the following below as a taxonomy reference field in one of my content types as a checkbox list widget during content creation. Currently its only showing the term name, but I want ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a way to provide a Select All / Check All checkbox for a field that displays multiple checkboxes in Drupal 7?

Seems like there is no core config to setup a "Check All" checkbox unless I missed where it is. I'm creating a content type and have a taxonomy reference field and I have alot of terms, which means ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I set the value of a taxonomy term reference to multiple terms using PHP?

This question describes how to set the value of a term reference field using PHP. But what do I do if I want to set the value of a term reference field in the user profile to multiple terms? I am ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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Entity Reference auto complete term creation on the fly?

There is a reason why I'm using an (autocomplete) Entity Reference field on my Content Type, instead of the Drupal's default term reference. It is linked to a taxonomy vocabulary and it's working just ...
Nim's user avatar
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Example of how to configure contextual filters with taxonomy using php arguments to display a view of commerce products?

Currently I am trying to configure view to display a grid of commerce products that matches a specific taxonomy term. This term is a term reference field in the product display. I also have a view ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How to pass taxonomy reference field data into a views reference contextual filter arguement with PHP code?

My content type has a taxonomy reference and a view reference field. I currently want to pass the Term ID as an argument into my referenced View via a Contextual filter Taxonomy Term. If someone can ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Can I use taxonomy term id from URL as Contextual Filter to get entities of custom entity type (not node)?

As in question. I have a View with Profile2 entity. Entity has taxonomy term reference field. I'd to filter entities by term. I tried, but no luck Can I do it with Contextual Filter or I must use ...
Codium's user avatar
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How to change order of taxonomy terms related to specific node field?

As in question. I have multivalued taxonomy field. Is this possible to control terms weight, which are belongs to specific node field? As a term weight, I mean weight inside single node. It's just a ...
Codium's user avatar
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Adding extra info to each Node -> Taxonomy Term relationship

We have a basic site with a pages that have a taxonomy term content type associated with a number of terms. What we would like to is to add more information to each of the node -> taxonomy ...
Shriram Shrikumar's user avatar
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Entity Reference get nodes based on tags

Let me try my best to make myself understood. I have a node type Exhibition where I want to display related nodes of type Article, and these related nodes are tagged with taxonomy tags. On the ...
pusle's user avatar
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Prefill taxonomy term reference field while in term page

I have a content type A with a required term reference field (vocabulary: category, widget: radios). I would like to accomplish the following: In every term page (of this specific vobaulary) i will ...
Billy's user avatar
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Non-autocomplete Widget for Term Reference Fields on Content Type

The available options at the moment are Autocomplete term widget (tagging), Select list and Check boxes/radio buttons, but I'd like to use a widget without autocomplete. Thanks in advance. EDIT: To ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
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How to display term images instead of term names in the term selection process?

I have a content type with a term reference field (check boxes widget, vocabulary: Category) from which every user has to choose one term to be attached to his node. I have also added an image field ...
Billy's user avatar
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List nodes from a taxonomy based on a field

I'm looking for the most "Drupal" way to create either a view/block (not sure about either) that contains a list with the top level items being the parent taxonomies from a certain vocabulary (4 ...
Dunhamzzz's user avatar
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How do I programmatically add and fill a field to taxonomy terms of a specific vocabulary?

I want to programmatically do two things: Replace the default multiline Description field of taxonomy term with my own, plain text, single line field. I mean - to visually replace - I understand this ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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Custom field: users organized into departments

I'm building an intranet corporate site, and need to have users linked to departments. The easy way I see this to be done is to create a taxonomy vocabulary with list of departments, and then add ...
Shevchuk's user avatar
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Taxonomy autocomplete - show results of words starting with letters written

I am having hard time to explain this but this is the case: I have taxonomy with 80000 terms (country/city). When i type for example "N" or "NE" or "NEW" i get results with terms that contain all ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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Retrieve Taxonomy Term by Field in D7

I have a vocabulary with a field "legacy_id" which is a primary key another related system. I am building a routine to update the data in the drupal system based on changes in the related system. ...
Sean Reiser's user avatar
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Taxonomy based file path for imce

I've added the field "field_sdb_profile_basics_forv" to my (default) drupal user profile. Now I need the IMCE editor to detect and choose the file path, based on that field specifically. As pr ...
Roald's user avatar
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How to get the list of fields which are referenced to particular vocabulary

As the title say I want to get the list of fields which are referenced to particular vocabulary. For example field1 and field2 are taxonomy reference fields and the vocabulary associated to them is ...
Mathankumar's user avatar
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Submitting disabled fields on content entry forms?

I need to submit content entry forms that have default values set in disabled elements. However, if I remember correctly, HTTP specifies that fields that are disabled do not have their values sent to ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
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Turn location CCK 'city' field into taxonomy autocomplete field

I am using the "Taxonomize Location" module to automatically save all Location CCK Field submissions into the "location" taxonomy. Terms in the location taxonomy are saved in 3 layers: Country -> ...
deinqwertz's user avatar
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Cascading taxonomy term selection widget

To be honest, I'm not sure if cascading is the right term, and if it's not then this can just be edited in the future for clarity. I need a taxonomy term widget that is a drop-down list, and all that ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
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Recreating vocabulary and term pages by using views

Let's say I have a vocabulary named "Gallery" and terms inside of it: "One", "Two" and "Three". Every term have a image field. What I would like to accomplish: After going to I ...
Łukasz Zaroda's user avatar
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Trouble Aggregating terms that are pulled through an entity_reference

Trying to create a table view listing portfolio clients, including a list of tags that are related to each client. Tags are connected via entity_references (from multiple kinds of nodes), and it's ...
SuperJerms's user avatar
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An error which appears in Autocomplete taxonomy fields

Did someone ever note this annoying D7 taxonomy error? It jumps out when I seem to "pass" a certain amount of terms or characters. The error is as follows: An AJAX HTTP request terminated ...
Beni aharon's user avatar
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Create a field instance programmatically on a taxonomy vocabulary

I'm trying to create a module which creates a taxonomy vocabulary on installation of the module, and creates one text field on the taxonomy vocabulary/term. But I'm getting the following error when I ...
Beebee's user avatar
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displaying fields of selected taxonomy term

I'm trying to create a minimalistic ordering system. No need for a full fledged solution like Commerce or UC in this case. Orders are represented as nodes (or maybe as custom entities using ECK, ...
Dmitry Vyal's user avatar
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How to programmatically modify fields of taxonomy terms?

In D7, how do I programmatically add/modify fields to taxonomy terms? They are clearly fieldable and in UI I can add and edit fields in them just like I do in nodes but it proved to be no easy task in ...
Ari Linn's user avatar
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How to get the field settings in drupal 7

Here is the scenario. I have a taxonomy term reference field, which is referenced to a taxonomy vocabulary, for example it is associated with category vocabulary. Now I need to fetch the vid of the ...
Mathankumar's user avatar
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What is the best tagging widget?

I was using the tagging module as my tagging widget until its status changed to Maintenance status: Unsupported. Now I'm looking for a replacement. After searching I figured out there is ...
Mohammad Ali Akbari's user avatar
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form with taxonomy autocomplete widget throws error upon submit: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

I have a custom form with this field in it: $form['first']['field_city'] = array( '#title' => t('Woonplaats'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 25, '#autocomplete_path' =&...
FLY's user avatar
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How to redirect on node save to fill out extra fields attached to terms

I've added a mandatory email field to terms in a vocabulary I have called Instructor. This field is displayed on my content type as an autocomplete term reference. Because it is an autocomplete ...
filmoreha's user avatar
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Show a block within node content (field template) based on context/taxonomy?

I've created a block using Views that I want to display only on nodes that have a specified value for a taxonomy field (no taxonomy info in the URL). The catch is that I want to display it within the ...
sa3z's user avatar
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'Add More' Taxonomy Term Widget

I'm trying to create a field widget that is similar to the normal term reference widget with one key difference. The user needs to be able to add multiple new taxonomy terms at the same time, this may ...
splatio's user avatar
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Getting taxonomy name from entity for computed fields

Im trying to create a computed value field using the the computed_field module. I trying to do something like but that example is for drupal 6. Can someone point me in ...
thargor's user avatar
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When to use list(text) or taxonomy?

This may be a silly question, but I'm curious what the benefit is of using a list (text) multiple select field over a taxonomy term reference field. They both seem to fill roughly the same function of ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to group taxonomy terms by their parent when using term reference field?

Is there a way to group taxonomy terms by their parent name(as fieldsets) for term reference field in content creation? For example: Cat#1 as parent and subCat#1, subCat#2 as children should be shown ...
hknik's user avatar
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