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38 votes

Unable to install ... already exist in active configuration

With Drush, you can run drush config-delete module_name.settings to delete the configuration causing the error. When not sure about what to delete, you can drush config-get | grep your-keywords to ...
GiorgosK's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I use the UUID API?

To generate uuid with drush: drush php-eval "echo \Drupal::service('uuid')->generate();"
echo's user avatar
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6 votes

Unable to install ... already exist in active configuration

For a Pantheon site, I used the following Drush commands. On the Pantheon site, drush @pantheon.SITENAME.ENVNAME config-delete ERRORNAME On the local site, drush config-delete ERRORNAME
omkar gaonkar's user avatar
6 votes

Unable to install ... already exist in active configuration

Use the Easy Install module to purge the active configuration without using the Devel module or Drush. It works even if you have missed out the optional folder and the enforced option in the module's ...
Karthikeyan Manivasagam's user avatar
4 votes

How to transfer a panel variant from one site to another?

Yes, Panels and panel variants can be exported using the Features module. If you are using the panel variant as a part of page manager the option to export variant is shown in the features UI under ...
AjitS's user avatar
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4 votes

How to transfer a block from one site to another?

You can try Block Export Import module, It will help you to import block to remote site. This module allows users to export all system specific blocks (are those blocks which are created using ...
Rahul Mishra's user avatar
4 votes

How to transfer a block from one site to another?

Have a look at the Bean module. Here is a quote about its project page: Think of a Bean as a method to provide new types (compared to node this would be a content type) which then provides an add ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
4 votes

Should I enable a feature I created on the same site?

Sure, you enable it. By that you keep track of changes you make on either development environment. For example you edit some settings on your local dev site, then the activated feature will recognise ...
leymannx's user avatar
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4 votes

Downloading a Feature

You can use my very favorite drush command: drush fu your_feature This is the same as using "recreate" in the UI except that it will update your feature directly where it resides in your code base (...
bleen's user avatar
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4 votes

Ignore UUIDs when comparing the difference between configuration exports

For that interim step, when you just need to glance over the changes in your exported config, git diff -I"^uuid: " -- config/sync will return a succinct list that ignores the changes in any ...
Kay V's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I import using features?

You just need to copy this folder generated by Features into your /sites/all/modules/features directory. A feature is a module, you'll need to enable this feature on your new site to retrieve all the ...
guilhom's user avatar
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3 votes

Difference between strongarm, field base, and field instance

A Drupal 7 database contains various structural configuration. Some of these are: Entity bundles, e.g. node types or taxonomy vocabularies. Field bases: These are definitions of fields that apply ...
donquixote's user avatar
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3 votes

How to auto-yes "drush features-revert-all" ... via terminus

You need to add a -- separator to your command. The options for Terminus come before this marker, and the options for Drush come after. In other words: terminus -y drush -- features-revert-...
greg_1_anderson's user avatar
2 votes

Possible to use drush to list overrides for all features?

Just to share or whatever -- I use it all the time, and I would've loved to come across this tip when I was a noob , so... I run: drush fl | grep -E "Overridden|Needs" ...And, I added an alias to ...
alisonjo315's user avatar
2 votes

Does turning off features modules affect what the features modules does?

FWIW I've successfully uninstalled modules required by a feature before, but I had to remove the dependency from the feature's info file first and then disabled and removed the module. I've seen ...
longboardnode's user avatar
2 votes

Features and CMI Together

In my opinion Features isn't really useful for just one site. It is useful for extracting and packaging functionality to use on multiple sites. Using both at the same time is probably counter ...
Kevin's user avatar
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2 votes

Taxonomy Terms List and Features

You must have Features, UUID and UUID Features modules enabled. In the uuid_features configuration, admin/structure/features/uuid_features, select " Auto detect uuid terms. When exporting a vocabulary,...
Christia's user avatar
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2 votes

What do I do after I merge feature files with a remote server?

You will have to revert the feature, So that the configurations in the remote server would be same as that in the code. Feature overridden means, the config in the Code and that in the server is not ...
Safallia Milins's user avatar
2 votes

How to export paragraph bundles with features?

Paragraphs in D8 are entity types. So to create a feature with a paragraph bundle definition, you will need at least: The paragraph type definition The Entity form display The Entity view display ...
CG Monroe's user avatar
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2 votes

Features along with configuration synchronization

Can I just use features to create new article module through features ui and use it? Except for some very trivial use cases: No. But Features still is a good starting point and a big time saver. ...
Hudri's user avatar
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2 votes

Listing variable values using drush

If you do drush vget theme_THEMENAME_settings it will give you all nested variables but nested variables don't work drush vget theme_THEMENAME_settings.toggle_name drush vget ...
GiorgosK's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a downside of having too many features?

I'll jump in with an answer, though I agree with others that there is probably no single correct way. My experience with features is that large features become very difficult to manage. Even one-...
rivimey's user avatar
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2 votes

In the Features module, what does "Recreate" do?

Recreate allows you to re download the feature, including any changes made to config along with the option to add new config.
Charlie Bamford's user avatar
2 votes

Exported feature with roles not imported when loading module

You need to un-exclude user permissions first. Go to /admin/config/development/features > Select your bundle > (Tab) Configure Bundles > Alter (Configure) > Uncheck "Strip out user ...
leymannx's user avatar
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2 votes

Exported feature with roles not imported when loading module

This is only a workaround. If leymannx or someone else come up with a better solution I'll mark it as the answer, but in the meantime I thought I'd provide my hack-around to get this working: ...
quant's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I merge a content type's fields and settings from dev to staging?

To fix the issue include config in optional directory instead of install directory in your features module. It will then only install the config which are not present in the new site. Which will solve ...
miststudent2011's user avatar
1 vote

How do I resolve a merge conflict with features?

Check the panes with the following uuid "bf806592-c85c-4155-a97c-516f72427e4e" and "992af322-74c5-4a5c-a261-1e73677d3645". Check which one should not be there and remove it from the code.
Oleg Videnov's user avatar
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1 vote

Any risks associated with habitually updating/reverting ALL features in drush?

Personally, I do "revert-all" all the time (to test / roll out changes on Test and Production). Because no feature update should be overlooked before / during release. Personally, I would find "...
user18099's user avatar
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1 vote

Any risks associated with habitually updating/reverting ALL features in drush?

In my opinion, first and foremost thing which should be taken into consideration is that your feature should not have any changes different from your development environment. secondly, make sure that ...
Gaurav Rajdeo's user avatar
1 vote

How programmatically create custom field type with some base fields?

What you want to do is create a field type with multiple properties. This is indeed more efficient than a field collection, because a property only needs one more column in the field table, while a ...
4uk4's user avatar
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